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Beeswax is partnered with Neustar, now part of TransUnion, to streamline the onboarding and activate Lookalike (LAL) audiences for mutual customers. This partnership allows Beeswax to provide access to audience segments that are keyed to various identification types, such as IDFA, AAID, cookies, and IP addresses, enhancing audience targeting capabilities.

How it Works

The process below describes the steps that should occur to successfully register new LAL segments within Beeswax.

Step 1: Create a Configuration Ticket

  1. Open a Ticket: Please create a ticket (using Jira, for example) and address it to @bw-userdata-oncall.

  2. Provide Details: In the ticket, include the following information:
    • Buzzkey: The unique identifier for the account.
    • Account ID: The specific account number.
    • File Paths: Mention the paths where the data will be stored. For example:
      • s3://beeswax-data-us-east-1/user-list/neustar/<buzzkey>/<accountId>/taxonomy/
      • s3://beeswax-data-us-east-1/user-list/neustar/<buzzkey>/<accountId>/idtype/

Step 2: Distribute the Data

  1. Wait for Confirmation: Once the configuration is complete, a confirmation will be delivered.

  2. Upload Files: Start uploading data files to the specified folders:

    • Taxonomy File: Upload this first to set up the necessary structure.
    • Segment Data Files: After uploading the taxonomy file, segment data files can be uploaded.

    For detailed instructions on uploading and managing data, refer to the vendor’s documentation.

Step 3: Check the Data

  1. Find the Segments: After the onboarding process, data can be found it in the folder named <buzzkey/accountid> within the parent folder Neustar.
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