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Starting September 30, 2024, all Oracle products, including BlueKai, MOAT, and Grapeshot segments, as well as MOAT post bid measurement, will no longer be available on the Beeswax platform. If this impacts you, Beeswax account teams are available to assist in finding alternative options. For questions, please contact your Beeswax account representative.

Table of Contents


This page details user targeting keys and recommendations for segment targeting. For information on how to properly filter and favorite while searching segments, see Segment Filtering and Favorites.

Segments can be searched by name, segment key or alternative id. Once you’ve found the desired segment, information including user count and CPM will be displayed (where applicable).

Targeting KeyDescriptionRecommendation
Segments are typically user segments (cookies, MAIDs, IP addresses), which can either be your 1st party user segments or 3rd party user segments from data providers like Oracle or Liveramp.

Segments can also be custom values that are added by your Data Augmentor. Targeting user segments or custom segments added by your augmentor work in the same fashion.

By default, if you target multiple segments by INCLUDE they will be OR'd together. However, you can force AND statements by using REQUIRE or writing custom boolean Logic in the advanced targeting section.

Read more about the targeting verbs here.

User IDUser IDs can either be web cookies or mobile device IDs. This field allows you to target those auctions that have a User ID present or not present.

Note: When excluding User ID Present to target users without an ID, Targeting will match bid requests the do not carry an ID. However, in situations where a user does have a Beeswax cookie but this user has not yet been synced with the exchange in question, our reporting will populate the user ID that came through on the impression notification.
Use INCLUDE  or EXCLUDE targeting
IP RangeA range of valid IPV4 addresses. Alternatively, use IP segments as detailed here.Use INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting
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