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We are pleased to announce that a new Commercial Break Pattern (CBP) UI, User Experience (UEX) Caps UI, and Network Item Insights tab that will be enabled across all MRM Networks on Monday, September 30, 2019.

Updated UI 

For the Commercial Break Pattern tab and UEX Caps tab, improvements include

    • Redesigned UI
    • Streamlined configuration workflows
    • Additional tool tips to help guide users

The new UI can be accessed through the Network Items (Network module) and MRM Global Settings (System Admin module). Previously, the new CBP UI (introduced in the 6.30 release) and UEX Caps UI (introduced in the 6.31 release) were only enabled by request.

To learn more about the new UI, please see the Commercial Break Patterns tab or User Experience (UEX) Caps tab.

New Commercial Break Pattern UI

New User Experience Caps UI

New Network Item Insights tab

The new Insights tab on the Network module provides a dashboard view of all ad experience configuration parameters in your Network. The Insights tab can help you

    • View all ad experience configuration parameters in one place

    • Quickly identify where ad experience parameters are set in the Network hierarchy

    • Search/Filter for ad experience configuration parameters 

For additional information, please see the Insights tab (Network module) page or watch the video below

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