Use * syntax for faster search

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In order for clicks to track properly in both Flashtalking and Beeswax reporting, there are a few changes that need to be made—you’ll need to insert Beeswax’s click macros into the ad tag, and Flashtalking will need to make sure they’ve properly configured their URL-encoding logic.

Required Steps

  1. Insert {{CLICK_URL}} macro into ftClick variable
  2. Insert {{NUM_DEST_URL_ESCAPES}} into ftContent variable
  3. Flashtalking adds function to encode destination URL once by default, and twice if ftContent equals 2
  4. Flashtalking disables ftClick decoding (by default, Flashtalking will decode any URL inserted into ftClick, which causes an error on exchanges that insert an additional redirect)

Steps 3 and 4 above require you to submit a request to the Flashtalking team.

If you have any questions on this process or would like to verify that it’s been done correctly, please reach out to Beeswax Support.

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