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Start and end dates can be set at the creative level and at the creative-line item association level. This feature is useful if you have time-based rules for delivering different creatives throughout a campaign.

One use case is for a movie release. Before the movie release, the creative might include “Coming soon!..” messaging, whereas after the movie release, it might read “In theaters now!..” Another use case is for delivering specific creatives during a promotion window (e.g. “Fathers Day Sale”), then switching back to standard creatives after the sale ends.

With creative start and end dates, you can schedule creatives for delivery without duplicating line items, breaking up budget, or adjusting frequency caps.

Feature Overview

  • At the creative level, there are optional “start date” and “end date” fields. Note that you cannot set multiple start and end dates on a single creative like you can for line item flights.
  • You can also set start and end dates at the creative-line item association level.
    • If dates are set at the creative level, those dates will be used as the default at the creative-line item association level. If start/end dates are set at the creative-line item association level, it will override the creative level dates.

Buzz does not do any validation comparing line item and creative start and end dates. A line item with only one creative appended will not spend if that creative's end date has passed.

Creative Screen Changes

At the creative level, there is an optional start and end date field. Like other date fields, you can both set a date and a time.

Creative-Line Item Associations (from the line item workflow)

  • When associating a creative to a line item, you need to click the “Add Association” button.
    • You may optionally add an association start/end date before you click “Add Association,” or later by editing the creative-line item association.
  • Creative associations are listed in a table view, where they can be edited by clicking on the edit button.
  • Creative-Line Item Association flight dates override any dates on the Creative object.  If the end date of the Creative is before the end date of the Creative-Line Item association, the Creative will still be eligible for line items it is associated with.

If there is a start/end date set at the creative level, while it will be used as the default, these start/ends dates will not be displayed in the creative-line item association level. An association start/end date will only be displayed if the start/end date is set at the creative-line item association level.

Creative-Line Item Associations (from the creative workflow)

  • All of the fields discussed above (where you may add and edit associations and start and end dates) are included in the creative workflow as well.
  • In addition, from the creative workflow, you may also make the the line item active/inactive by clicking the “Make Active” or “Make Inactive” button in the table view.

This makes the line item itself active/inactive, not the creative-line item association.

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