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Adazzle Analytics is a gated feature and not enabled by default. If Adazzle Analytics is not enabled, the Adazzle Analytics page is not available.

To enable this feature, contact your OneStrata representative.

Table of Contents


Available for enterprises that previously used Adazzle, the Adazzle Analytics page enables users to query certain historic Adazzle data from within the OneStrata platform.

Adazzle Analytics has the same look, feel, and capabilities as the general Analytics page, but is connected to select tables in the Adazzle database instead of the OneStrata data warehouse.

Adazzle Analytics Tables

The following tables are available in Adazzle Analytics:

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CategoryTable Name
Admin DataLogin
Campaign DataCampaign
Campaign DataCampaign Be Campaign
Campaign DataCampaign Custom Fields (only available if the Adazzle account has custom campaign fields)
Delivery DataInsertion Data Actuals
Master DataAdvertiser
Master DataAuction Company
Master DataAuction Shopper
Master DataBe Client
Master DataBe Product
Master DataBe Publication
Master DataBooking Category
Master DataEnterprise
Master DataMedia Brand
Order DataBrief
Order DataInsertion
Order DataInsertion Booking Category


The following links provide general information about analytics and analytics-related capabilities in OneStrata:

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