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Attribution via FreeWheel Identity Network is available in Report Builder for the United States only (based on the regional availability of the underlying graph). Both DSP and BaaS customers have availability for these reporting features.

Beeswax attribution methodology allows clients to view conversions and buyer activity performance directly in report builder. This page will review the two methodologies of FW (FreeWheel) Person and FW Household. These attribution methodologies augment the existing methods (user ID and IP address) in Report Builder. Like IP-based conversion metrics, these Identity Network attribution methods help counter the decline in third-party identity signals. They also allow buyers to take full advantage of cross-device capabilities and mitigate the effects of rotating IP addresses within the Identity Network, improving the ability to assess campaign performance.

Use Cases

Historically, customers have had to view attributed conversions through a single ID lens. In other words, comparing conversion identity signals against impression and click identity signals in the same ID space:

  • Comparing conversion user ID to impression/click user ID, or

  • Comparing conversion IPv4/IPv6 to impression/click IPv4/IPv6

ID Graph-powered attribution enables seamless performance evaluation across environments that use different signals, whether at the person-level, household-level, or both. For example, if a user watches an ad on TV and then makes a purchase on their phone, the Identity Network can accurately attribute the ad view to the conversion. For a more robust understanding of the Identity Network including the underlying ID Graph, please see Identity Network.

Attribution Logic

Beeswax attribution methods include utilizing up to four different ID linkages, depending on the attribution level, in order to match conversion activity against impression and click activity. For "FreeWheel Person" and "FreeWheel Household", Beeswax uses a combination of last click and last view attribution and adhere to the view windows configured at the Event Tag set up. This is similar to the legacy attribution methodology and the IP conversion methodology. Beeswax will use all relevant ID linkages depending on the attribution level (person or household) to perform matching of conversion activity against impression and click activity. 

Similar to IP attribution, a conversion attributed via the ID Graph can also be attributed through legacy methodologies. This means that any given conversion ID can be attributed up to four ways/to up to four separate auction_id values.

  • User ID
  • IP Address
  • FreeWheel Person
  • FreeWheel Household
  • Beeswax advises against aggregating the conversion counts for each method into a "Total Conversions" metric because of the risk of duplicate reporting that is inherent to this data structure.

  • Events created in the UI are automatically enabled for all methods. The event can be tallied through both attribution mechanisms if it qualifies. Currently, the view/click window can not be independently adjusted for each method.

Fields in Reporting

For utilizing the Identity Graph to view conversion metrics, view the following fields in Reporting:

Household level (FreeWheel Household):

  • Freewheel ID Household Conversions
  • Freewheel ID Household Conversions Orders
  • Freewheel ID Household Conversions Value

Person level (FreeWheel Person):

  • Freewheel ID Person Conversions
  • Freewheel ID Person Conversions Orders
  • Freewheel ID Person Conversions Value

For a list of all available dimensions and measures in reporting, see Beeswax Analytics Data Dictionary.

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