Table of Contents


The Billing Report, available via Report Builder, is populated with all variable fees that a DSP customer can be charged for. This information is broken out by Date, Account, Advertiser, Campaign and Line Item objects. The fees in this report align with the Beeswax Invoice when pulled for a complete month.

This report is currently available for DSP customers only

How it Works

The billing report has an 'Invoice Row' dimension, that contains the following fees:

  1. Media paid to inventory source
  2. DSP Fee
  3. Professional Services Fee
  4. Bid Shading Fee
  5. Third party data Fee (Broken out by vendor)
  6. Small File Serving Fee
  7. Large File Serving Fee
  8. Cross Device Extension Fee (Broken out by vendor)
  9. Cross Device Frequency Capping Fee (Broken out by vendor)
  10. Cross Device Ghost Bidding Fee (Broken out by vendor)

Key Features

Report Permissions

This report will only be visible to 'Admin' roles by default, and there is a new ‘Billing Data’ field group that contains the fee metrics. Admin users can grant permissions to this report to other roles. 


Q: Is this report available via the Reporting API?

A: Yes.

Q: Can customers who have more than one DSP account pull a Billing report with both accounts fees included?

A: Yes.  Multi-account DSP clients can use Account Groups to manage access to all their accounts, as this will enable them to pull the Billing Report across all their accounts for a consolidated view.