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Roles are applied to users and govern which actions they can or cannot take. For users with administrator privileges, or have role creation rights, there is the ability to create new custom roles using the Beeswax UI and API. For instructions on how to create new roles via API, see Roles.

Types of Roles

Default system roles are pre-created roles that have assigned permissions relevant to the type of role. These include:

  • Administrator
  • Trafficker
  • Campaign Manager
  • Reporting

Custom roles have the ability to custom select certain permissions that will apply to the role. Custom roles also must have a parent role applied to it prior to selecting permissions. This parent role will apply its saved permissions to the custom role, and future changes to the parent role will dynamically apply to the custom roles beneath it.

Accessing Roles

To access the Roles page, navigate to Admin > Roles at the top of the screen in Beeswax. Additionally, accounts may be created by clicking the button, then clicking Role at the top right of the UI.

Roles List View

List View Fields

Column NameDescription
Name & IDName and ID of role.
Parent Role IDAll roles must be assigned a parent role. This will display the parent role ID.
System RoleEither yes or no.
SharedEither yes or no.
ArchivedEither yes or no.
Alt IDAlternate ID used for reporting in a third-party system.

Create a New Role

  1. Navigate to AdminRoles > then click New Role at the top right of the list view.

  2. Complete the following available fields:
    Field NameDescription
    Parent Role*Every role must have a parent role selected. This parent role will apply its saved permissions to the custom role, and future changes to the parent role will dynamically apply to the custom roles beneath it.
    Role Name*Desired name for Role.
    Shared Across AccountsToggle yes or no to allow this role to be shared across accounts within the same buzz instance.
    ArchivedToggle on or off to archive this role.
    Alternative ID (bottom of screen)Alternative ID used for reporting in a third-party system.
    Add Notes (bottom of screen)Any desired notes for this role.

  3. After the role information is entered, four tables with specific permission groups are available for configuring the exact permissions of the role. Permission fields will be auto-selected depending on the parent role that has been applied. These fields can be removed or kept based on the use case. 

  4. Apply the specific permissions that will belong to this account.

    When selecting Object Permissions, there are four columns to apply granularity to the permissions. Options will include: Read, Update, Create, Delete.

    Object Permissions

    Report Permissions

    Report Field Permissions

    Dashboard Permissions

    • account

    • account_alert
    • account_exchange
    • account_group
    • account_setting
    • activity_log
    • advertiser
    • alert
    • bid_model
    • bid_model_version
    • bid_modifier
    • campaign
    • creative
    • creative_addon
    • creative_asset
    • creative_attribute
    • creative_line_item
    • creative_template
    • curated_deal
    • dashboard
    • data_suite_audience
    • deal
    • delivery_modifier
    • event
    • event_assignment
    • fee_log
    • grafana
    • line_item
    • line_item_flight
    • line_item_performance_stat
    • list
    • list_item
    • marketplace_deal
    • metamarkets
    • native_offer
    • passthrough_deal_list
    • preset
    • report_queue
    • revenue_share
    • role
    • search
    • segment
    • segment_category
    • segment_category_association
    • segment_category_sharing
    • segment_sharing
    • segment_upload
    • site
    • site_list
    • static
    • strategy
    • targeting_expression
    • targeting_module
    • targeting_template
    • test_group
    • test_plan
    • user
    • user_field
    • vendor
    • vendor_fee
    • Performance Report
    • Inventory Report
    • Platform Report
    • Mobile App Report
    • Domain Report
    • Conversion Report
    • Vendor Report
    • Geography Report
    • Zip/Postal Code Report
    • Bid Performance Report
    • Segment Delivery Report
    • Pacing Report
    • Deal Report
    • Events Report
    • Incrementality Report
    • Billing Report
    • Bid Decision Report
    • Performance Report V2
    • Account Data
      • e.g. Account ID, Account Name
    • Advertiser Data
      • e.g. Advertiser Domain, Advertiser Name
    • Alternative IDs
      • e.g. Campaign Alt ID, Line Item Alt ID
    • App Data
      • e.g. App Bundle, App Name
    • Bidder Information
      • e.g. Data Center, Seat ID
    • Bidding Strategy
      • e.g. Bid Modifier Name, Bid Shade
    • Billing Data
    • Campaign Data
      • e.g. Campaign ID, Campaign Name
    • Conversion Data
      • e.g. Conversions, Event ID
    • Core Metrics
      • e.g. Impressions, Clicks
    • Creative Data
      • e.g. Creative ID, Size
    • Currency
      • e.g. Currency
    • Experiments
      • e.g. Test Plan ID, Test Group ID
    • Geography Data
      • e.g. Country, Metro/DMA
    • ID Data
      • e.g. ID present
    • Inventory Cost
      • e.g. Inventory Cost, Inventory Cost USD
    • Inventory Data
      • e.g. Environment Type, Inventory Source
    • Line Item Data
      • e.g. Flight ID, Line Item ID
    • Margins
      • e.g. Gross Margin, Net Margin
    • Pacing Metrics
    • Platform Data
      • e.g. Browser, Device Type
    • Publisher Data
      • e.g. Publisher ID, Publisher Name
    • Reach and Frequency Metrics
    • Revenue
      • e.g. Revenue
    • Segment Data
      • e.g. Segment ID, Segment Name
    • Site Data
      • e.g. Site Name, Domain
    • Spend Data
      • e.g. CPM, Spend
    • Vendor Data
      • e.g. Vendor Fees, Vendor Fee Name
    • Video Metrics
      • e.g. Video Completes, Video Plays
    • Viewability Data
      • e.g. Invalid Impressions, Viewable Impressions
    • Account Revenue Share Data
    • Performance
    • embed group test
    • Prod Perf
    • All dashboards in other accounts
      • Only applies to users with all-account access

  5. Click Save on the bottom right corner. 
  • No labels
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