Overview |
Use this creative type when you have a raw video asset. Raw videos should be uploaded in .mp4, .mov, or .flv formats. Beeswax will transcode the videos into multiple formats and bit rates for optimal delivery across platforms.
The default max file size for uploads is 30MB. This file size limit can be raised up to (but not over) 250MB.
The following fields are available:
Creative Fields | Description |
Advertiser | Advertiser under which you are creating this creative. Creatives can be assigned to any line item beneath this advertiser only. |
Creative Name | Name of the creative |
Title | The title that may appear in the video player |
Video Ad Duration | Length of video in seconds |
Primary Asset |
Companion Asset | A creative ad image (with extension .gif, .jpg, .jpeg or .png). If you choose to add a companion asset, upload the creative asset OR enter the companion HTML. |
Companion HTML | Raw HTML to be served as a companion ad. If you choose to add a companion asset, upload the creative asset OR enter the companion HTML. |
Companion Width x Height | Companion ad dimensions |
Technical Vendor | On Google’s AdX, any technical vendor including a 3rd party ad server or measurement vendor need to be declared. Failure to declare technical vendors may result in your creatives being rejected by AdX. |
Click URL | The Click URL triggered when Someone clicks on your creative. |
Advertiser Domain | The domain of the advertiser. For example if the advertiser is Ford Motor Company, the advertiser domain would be www.ford.com |
Advertiser Category | The category of the advertiser. For example if the advertiser is Ford Motor Company, the advertiser category would be “Automotive”. If you leave this field blank it will inherit the advertiser category you set when you created the Advertiser object. NOTE: Advertiser category is a required field for certain exchanges like MoPub. Lack of an advertiser category will result in you not bidding on MoPub. |
Landing Page URL | This is the full URL that the user will land on after clicking on your creative. For example, www.ford.com/landingpage/fordfocus. Failure to include the full URL may result in your creatives being rejected by Google’s AdX. |
Creative Add-Ons | If you previously have defined pixels or scripts via the creative add-ons module, they will be listed here. AdChoices now available via VAST 3.0 support. |
Additional Pixels | Additional tracking pixels that will be fired at the same time as the impression. This field should contain a URL, for example https://ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/trackimp/[additional_parameters]. |
Alternative ID | Alternative ID for the creative. Use this field to map an creative ID in Beeswax to a creative ID in your system. |
Secure | Whether the creative is secure or not. For a creative to be secure, all URL calls from the creative need to be over HTTPS |
Start Date | Optional start date for the creative |
End Date | Optional end date for the creative |
Active | Whether the creative is active or inactive. Active Line Items must have at least one active creative associated to them. |
Skippable | Whether the creative is allowed to be skipped. For VAST 3.0+, Skip Offset allows users to define a custom duration after which the video will become skippable. Note: Skip offset is not supported via Google AdX. |
AD_ID | Ad-ID is a vendor that registers creatives and applies a naming convention for easier creative management on the publisher side.The Ad-ID field in VAST in-line templates lets users input an ID that represents the creative asset. The Ad-ID is then passed in the VAST tag and is used by publishers to identify the creative asset. Learn more about AD-ID at AD-ID.org. |
VAST Events | Field for additional pixels which will be fired depending on the VAST Event being selected. |
Progress Events | Field for additional pixels which will be fired after a custom duration defined by you. |