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To reduce the time spent on manual processes when trafficking, presets are able to be created. Presets are a saved collection of settings for either campaigns, line items, or targeting. Once the preset is created, it is able to be used during the creation of a new object. For example, if creating a new campaign, there will be an option under the General tab to "select campaign preset". A pre-created preset will be selectable, and the settings defined in that preset will apply automatically to the campaign.

Accessing Presets

To access the Presets page, navigate to Trafficking > Presets at the top of the screen in Beeswax.

Presets List View

List View Fields

Column NameDescription
Name & IDName & ID of created preset.
AdvertiserAdvertiser associated with preset.
ArchivedYes or No. Archived presets are not active.
Preset Type

Type of preset selected during creation:

  • Targeting expression
  • Campaign
  • Line Item

Create a Preset

  • Advertiser (optional) - if leaving the Advertiser field blank, the preset being created can be used across any campaign or line item for any advertiser on the account. Alternatively, if an advertiser is selected, then the preset will only be eligible for use on campaigns or line items under the advertiser selected.

  • Alternative ID - filling in this field applies an Alternative ID to the preset object being created. It is not used for applying Alternative IDs to the campaigns and line items using the preset.

  • Notes - similar to the Alternative ID, notes are applied to the Preset Object and not objects adopting the Preset.

  1. Start by navigating to TraffickingPresets. Additionally, presets may be created by clicking the button, then clicking Preset at the top right of the UI.

  2. Click New Preset at the top right of the list view. Three options will appear to create a preset for campaigns, line items, or targeting.

  3. Depending on which option is selected, a view will appear with all settings relevant to the item selected. For example, if creating a targeting preset, all settings will be available to enter as if the targeting was being configured on a new line item.

  4. Click Create to have this preset created. Now, this preset may be applied to campaigns, line items, or targeting during creation or editing of these items.

Apply a Preset at the Advertiser Level

When a preset is created, there is an option to set it as the "default preset" for a certain advertiser. For example, if setting a campaign preset as the default for an advertiser, all campaigns under the advertiser will inherit the chosen campaign preset settings by default. However, if applying a preset at the campaign level, the preset will apply directly to the object when creating or editing a campaign or line item. This method will override the default set at the advertiser level.

  1. To apply a default preset for an advertiser, navigate to TraffickingAdvertisers.

  2. Click the advertiser name for which the preset will be applied.

  3. Click Defaults in the Summary screen.

  4. There are three drop downs for Default Campaign Preset, Default Line Item Preset, and Default Targeting Preset.

  5. Select the desired presets, and click Save to apply the changes.

Apply a Preset to a Line Item or Campaign

Presets can be applied to existing campaigns or line items to inherit the values configured in the preset. This will override any values which have been defined when creating the campaign or line item manually.

  1. To apply a preset when creating or editing a line item or campaign, click Select (Line Item or Campaign) Preset at the top right of the General tab.

  2. A window will appear with the presets that have been created for both the advertiser and on the account level.

  3. Select a preset to choose and click Apply Preset. Now this object will use the settings configured on the created preset.

When applying presets while editing an object, all values will be overwritten by what is configured in the preset. Additionally, any empty value in the preset will delete current values existing in campaign or line item. See below for an example:

Below is a table with three examples for how preset values behave:

Preset Value for “Daily Budget” Field Current Value for “Daily Budget” Field Resulting Value of “Daily Budget” after Preset is Applied
Example 1: $100$200$100
Example 2: (blank)$100(blank)
Example 3: $100(blank)$100 

Targeting Preset Use Cases

To reduce time spent on manual processes while trafficking, targeting presets can be applied to line items. This option adds enhanced ability to cut down the time required to fill out targeting that is meant to be consistent across multiple line items. Here are some popular targeting preset use cases:

All line items under a certain campaign should:

  • Target all regions belonging to England rather than the entire United Kingdom.

  • Target all U.S. states that are cannabis-friendly rather than the whole country.

  • Target a set of pre-bid segments to prevent fraud.

Targeting preset workflows can:

  • Create a new targeting preset from scratch or from an existing line item's targeting.

  • Set a targeting preset as a default so all new line items have targeting pre-populated with the values from the preset.

  • Apply a targeting preset to line item targeting.