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The Audience report provides insights into audience demographics and their performance relative to campaign goals. To arrive at person-level metrics, the Audience report distributes impressions equally across all members of a household. For instance, in a 4-person household, the report assigns 0.25 impressions per person. As a result, impression counts are rounded to two decimal places.

It’s important to note that this report excludes demographic data linked to fewer than 5 impressions. Consequently, some rows may display null demographic data alongside a measure count. In such cases, selecting fewer dimensions is recommended.


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Account IDBeeswax Account ID
Advertiser  Alternative IDCustomer Alternative Advertiser ID
Advertiser CategoryIAB category Beeswax advertiser belongs to.
Advertiser DomainBeeswax Advertiser Domain
Advertiser IDBeeswax Advertiser ID
Advertiser NameBeeswax Advertiser Name
AgeExact age in the following ranges: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+
Campaign Alternative IDCustomer Alternative Campaign ID
Campaign IDBeeswax Campaign ID
Campaign NameBeeswax Campaign Name
Creative Alternative ID Customer Alternative Creative ID
Creative IDBeeswax Creative ID
Creative NameBeeswax Creative Name
EducationEducation level in the following ranges: Less than HS Diploma, HS Diploma, Bach Degree, Grad Degree
Flight IDBeeswax Flight ID
Flight NameBeeswax Flight Name
GenderGender (M or F)
Home OwnershipHome ownership data (either Homeowner or Renter)
Household IncomeTotal estimated income for a household in the following ranges: Under $25,000, $25,000-$49,999, $50,000-$74,999, $75,000-149,999, $150,000+
Line Item  Alternative IDCustomer Alternative Line Item ID
Line Item IDBeeswax Line Item ID
Line Item NameBeeswax Line Item Name
Match ratethe % of impressions we were able to match to our demographic data source
Number of Children in HouseholdNumber of Children in Household (0, 1-2, 3+)
OccupationOccupation data: Professional/Technical, Upper Management/Executive, Middle Management, Sales/Marketing, Clerical/Office, SkilledTrade/Machine/Laborer, Retired, Executive/Administrator, Self Employed, Professional Driver, Military, Civil Servant, Farming/Agriculture, Work From Home, Health Services, Financial Services, Teacher/Educator, Retail Sales, Computer Professional, Beauty, Real Estate, Architects, Interior Designers, Landscape Architects, Electricians, Engineers,  Accountants/CPA, Attorneys, Social Worker, Counselors, Occupational Ther/Physical Ther, Speech Path./Audiologist, Psychologist, Pharmacist, Opticians/Optometrist, Veterinarian, Dentist/Dental Hygienist, Nurse, Doctors/Physicians/Surgeons, Chiropractors, Surveyors, Clergy, Insurance/Underwriters, Services/Creative
SizeCreative Dimensions - width x height


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ClicksNumber of clicks observed.   
ImpressionsNumber of impressions counted
ReachThe unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time.
SpendMedia Spend + Vendor Fees in USD$ (when 'Spend with Vendor Fees' is selected as the 'Budget Type' on the Line Item. If 'Spend' is selected, this will equal 'Media Spend')

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