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The Identity Network UI is currently only available for BaaS customers.

The Identity Network UI empowers clients with statistics around usage of integrated and permissioned IDs. Additionally, IDs that are permissioned to your network are visible from this screen. The Identity Network should be used to understand the overall performance of onboarded and permissioned IDs.

Accessing Identity Network

To access the Identity Network page, navigate to Admin > Identity Network at the top of the screen in Beeswax.

Identity Network Stats

The Identity Network Stats page provides a high-level visual for customers to quickly view the status of integrations, permissions, and usage.

ID Usage Graph

The ID Usage Graph shows impression level usage of the Identity Network per category of ID type. The impression volume displayed represents the ID category that was used to match to incoming requests where an impression was served.

ID Types Table

This table provides a comprehensive overview of IDs that have been onboarded. By default, the table is sorted to display the most recently updated IDs first, allowing quick identification of the latest ID mapping status. Each line in the table represents a single ID type. Users can easily sort each column in ascending or descending order to customize their view of the information. Each row represents a single ID namespace, which may encompass multiple files delivered together and grouped by their original S3 storage path. The design enables users to efficiently track and understand their identity mapping submissions to the platform, with a view that prioritizes recent activity and offers flexible navigation through the upload history.

Column NameDescription
NameThe name of the ID.

The status of the upload:

  • received: indicates the ID mapping was received successfully
  • processing: indicates the ID mapping has begun processing
  • pending: indicates there may have been an issue that is being investigated by the team
  • success: successfully processed and delivered for use on Beeswax
  • failed: an issue occurred that prevented the processing of the file
  • retired: a newer version of the ID mapping was delivered and processed successfully, replacing this previous ID mapping delivery.
Last Updated

The most recent date of a change of status, updated each time the status is updated.

Total Records

Total number of records the customer delivered across all files uploaded.

Total MatchedThe percent of records that were matched into the Identity Network.

ID Match Rate Graph

The ID Match Rate Graph provides insight into how closely the onboarded ID matches the Identity Network. Clicking on the ID name opens a detailed version of the existing ID mapping page, displaying additional information about the individual ID's history.

Uploads Table

This table displays beneath the ID Match Rate graph and provides information around the match success of uploaded IDs.

Column NameDescription
ID NameName of ID

Current status of ID upload. Options include:

  • In service
  • Retired
Upload DateDate and time of ID upload.
Total RecordsTotal records in upload; represented numerically.
Total MatchedTotal match rate for ID; represented as a percentage.

2P Permissions

2P ID Usage Graph (Last 180 Days)

This chart shows your usage of your partners' 2P (second party) IDs.

2P ID Permissions Table

Customers interested in getting access to supply partners' permissioned IDs should contact their Beeswax Account Representative for specific partner availability details.

This page provides an overview of the Second-Party (2P) IDs that have been permissioned for use, along with insights into their current utilization. This information is also represented in a table below the usage graph and shows the shared second-party IDs that have been received.

To download a usage report from this view, click Download CSV on the top right of the table. 

Column NameDescription
PermissionName of shared permission.
Shared IDsThe ID name shared.
Shared by PartnersThe name of the partner who shared the ID.
Start Date/End Date

The start date when this shared ID becomes accessible and the end date when it is no longer accessible.

Days RemainingDays remaining on the permission for ID usage.
ImpressionsTotal number of impressions received through this ID.
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