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Fees and tech rates are added to individual Placements within a media schedule, but are generally pre-defined as a Reference Data Fee record. This improves consistency and reduces human error when applying fees, because OneStrata automatically calculates and applies the appropriate fees and costs.

Fees and Rates Terms and Concepts

This section contains information about terms and concepts related to fees and tech rates in OneStrata

Fee Types

There are three ways that a fee or tech rate can be added to a schedule:

Fee TypeDescription

Assigned Fee

A fee that is automatically created within a media schedule when a Fee assignment is added to a Placement.

A pre-existing Assigned Fee record defines how each value in the resulting Assigned Fee cost line is calculated. These values cannot by changed by the user within the schedule.

Central Fee

A fee that is manually added to a media schedule, and has some pre-defined values.

A pre-existing Central Fee record defines how some values in the resulting Central Fee cost line are calculated. Depending on additional settings, these values can or cannot be modified within the schedule.

Entered Fee

A fee that is completely manually added to a media schedule, and has no pre-defined values.

All values in the resulting Entered Fee cost line are filled in by the user, within the schedule.

Rate Types

A rate type is the pricing model by which ad units are purchased.

There are three rate types:

  • Fixed
  • Percentage of Media (POM)
  • Other (Volume-based)
Rate TypesDescription


A fee that is a set, unchanging amount defined by the value in the Fee record's Vendor Rate field.

Example: A Fixed fee of $5,000.

Percentage of Media (POM)

A fee that is calculated as a percentage of a cost. The percentage is defined by the Fee record's Vendor Rate field, and the cost is defined by the Fee record's Cost Type field.

Example: A POM fee that is 1% of the Vendor Net Cost.

Other (Volume-based)


A fee that is calculated by adding a buffer to units, and multiplying the sum by a volume-based rate. The buffer and rate are defined in the Fee record's Buffer and Vendor Rate fields, and the units are specified on the Placement that the fee is assigned to.

Volume-based Rate Types include CPM (Impressions), CPC (Clicks), and CPA (Acquisitions).

Example: A volume-based fee that is $0.30 per impression, with a 10% buffer.

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