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Creating a campaign allows creating particular settings like start/end dates, budget, and bidding behavior for a group of desired line items. The line items associated with a campaign can be relative to one another, which could be a reason they are grouped together for a particular campaign. An example use case of a campaign could be an advertisement that has both web and mobile creative formats. Each of these formats can be associated to their own respective line item, that both fall under the same campaign. Essential settings can be set on the line item level and do not have get adopted from the campaign-level settings. This could include a separate start/end date, budgeting and targeting. To view how to create a campaign in Beeswax, please see below.

Creating a Campaign

Start by navigating to Trafficking > Campaigns > New Campaign. From here, a pop-up will display requiring the selection of an advertiser and the creation of a campaign name. After this information has been added, select "Create & Continue" which will bring up the campaign creation screen starting with the General tab. See below for an overview of each campaign creation tab:

Once the advertiser has been selected and the campaign has been given a name, there are alternate options to either Create & Close to finish later, or Create & Start Another to begin creating a new one. 

Field NameDescription

In order to create a Campaign, you must first have at least one Advertiser to assign it to.

Campaign Name*Desired name for the campaign.
Set Campaign, Line Item, or Targeting Preset.

Presets can be applied to Campaigns to inherit the values configured in the preset. This will override any values which have been defined when creating the campaign manually.

Custom Event Association (Y/N)Select whether or not to enable custom event association to track conversions, installs, or other key activities.

Experiments (Y/N)

  • When the toggle is set to Yes, a new Experiment tab appears on the object that allows a Test Plan to be associated with the campaign. 
  • When the toggle is set to No, the experiment tab does not appear. The toggle is set to "No" by default.
  • If the toggle is set to Yes but no Test Plan is selected in the Experiment tab before closing the window, the toggle gets reset to No. It is recommended to set up the Experiment after you create both the Campaign and Line Item.
Enable SKAd Tracking (Y/N)Select "Yes" to run and track mobile app install campaigns on IOS 14. 
Start/End Date*

To schedule your Campaign, set a Start Date and an optional End Date. If an End Date is not set the Campaign will continue running until it runs out of Budget or is made inactive.

CurrencySelect the desired Currency this campaign will operate at. 

Set your target overall Budget and optional Daily Budget. Budgets can be set in Spend or Impressions.


To set up revenue calculation select a revenue type and set an amount. Read more about how Beeswax calculates revenue and margins.

Delivery & Bidding

Enable campaign pacing and frequency caps.

Segment ExtensionIf using an extension for the campaign to gather additional data with providers such as LiveRamp, or Tapad, select the vendor via dropdown as well as the specific segment extension. 
Bid ModifierBid modifiers are used to adjust specific parameters like multipliers, or key demographics. Select from an existing list of modifiers created within the account. 
Delivery ModifierDelivery modifiers allow users to create a preset modifier that adjusts the campaign delivery and enhances targeting specificity. 
Ghost BiddingGhost biding offers the ability to test a percentage of bids (not real bids) to see if they would be selected or not. Activate this at either the standard or IP address level.
Alternative IDAny number or string. Used to map this object to an object in the system.

Essential Settings

The settings that fall under this section are related to the key components of a campaign including start/end date, Currency type, Continents, and Budget. 

Field NameDescription
Start/End Date*

To schedule your Campaign, set a Start Date and an optional End Date. If an End Date is not set the Campaign will continue running until it runs out of Budget or is made inactive.

CurrencySelect the desired Currency this campaign will operate at. 
ContinentsThe continents in which this campaign will be running. 
Default Line Item PresetSelect a pre-created line item preset via drop down.
Default Targeting PresetSelect a pre-created targeting preset via drop down.

Select a budget type which could be be Spend with Vendor Fees, Impressions, or Spend. Set your target overall Budget and optional Daily Budget. Budgets can be set in Spend or Impressions.

Alternative IDAny number or string. Used to map this object to an object in the system.
NotesAdditional field for desired notes specific to campaign.

Frequency Cap

When trafficking a Campaign, there is an option to set a Frequency Cap to restrict the number of times a particular ad will be shown to a particular user. Select an ID type and enter a frequency cap amount. The ID Type will display a drop-down with the following options: Standard, IP Address, Person ID, and Household ID. Read more on how to set up frequency caps here.

Up to three frequency caps are allowed at the Campaign level. You can also set additional frequency caps at the Line Item level.

Vendor Fees

Vendor Fees in the Beeswax platform are a way to optionally include serving costs associated with third-party vendors into Beeswax media spend and reporting. Select a vendor from the dropdown menu that will be associated with the fees. Next, fill out the Vendor Fee Name, Fee Type, and Fee Amount. The fee type can either be CPM or percent. Read more on how to set up vendor fees here. 

Custom Event Association

Events are used to track conversions, installs, or other key activities. If the advertiser selected in the campaign creation process has an associated event, the dropdown will allow that event to be selected. Read more on how to set up events here. 


A revenue type and amount may be set on a campaign, which can be used to report on the revenue earned from running a given campaign. Then, the profit margin can be calculated by subtracting the total spend from the revenue. Read more about revenue here.

SKAd Network

SKAdNetwork is an attribution framework designed for mobile app install attribution on iOS 14 and later versions. SKAd tracking cannot be enabled if it is disabled on the advertiser chosen for the campaign. Read more about SkAdNetwork here to learn how to set it up correctly. 

Ghost Bidding

Ghost Bidding is an implementation of a testing framework that allows clients to calculate the incremental impact of their media buys by creating a “ghost bid” that is not sent to the exchange. On the campaign level, there will be an option to choose a Ghost Bidding User ID Type to bucket users for ghost bidding. Two types are available: Standard or IP address. 

Bid and Delivery Modifiers

Buzz allows the creation of lists for criteria on Bid Modifiers and Delivery Modifiers according to various targeting modules and keys. Bid Modifier terms use targeting keys to adjust the bid price while Delivery Modifier allocates delivery weight to specific inventory in real time based on the set rules. See Bid Modifiers and Delivery Modifiers for more information.

The Summary tab displays the essential settings, modifiers, and status of the campaign. In order to change a setting, creative or enable the campaign, click that element and be directed back to its page. From this screen, it is also possible to set this created campaign as a "Campaign Preset". When creating a new campaign, this preset may be found at the top right of the General screen by clicking "Select Campaign Preset". 

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