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Line Item V2: New Spend Chart - Accumulated Spend Line  

A new chart called “Spend” has been added to the Line Item v2’s Analytics tab. 

This chart will provide users with key line item details for better analysis and decision making. The chart includes three new data points called incremental spend (spend in that unit of time), budget (total budget cap on the line item), and total spend (the accumulated spend until that point of time).

Additionally, we have enhanced our tooltip to display these elements data at a specific date/time. The chart will show dollar spend if the budget type is Spend with Vendor Fee or Spend, and it will show impressions if the budget type is Impression. 

This feature has been automatically enabled for those opted into Line item v2.

Line Item V2: Health Check 

Our system automatically detects any reason why your line item is not bidding or winning despite being active, we will notify you in the line item set up. These notifications will be displayed in the summary tab under the header. There are two main types of notifications:

  • Errors notifications are displayed in red and should be fixed immediately.
  • Warnings notifications displayed in yellow and identify line-item criteria that may prevent your line item from serving.

List View v2: New Delivery Status Column for Line Items 

To provide a better user experience, we have consolidated the bidding and winning columns into a new column called 'Delivery Status.' The new column will display three main statuses to indicate whether your line item is either winning, not bidding, or not winning.

Note: This update will apply to all customers who have opted into List View V2.

Advertiser V2: New Bulk Edit

We are excited to announce an upgrade in bulk editing for Advertiser v2! This new version will provide a clearer and more intuitive way to bulk edit advertiser information.

This includes a new interface to see your advertiser information upfront, a new display to see the number of advertisers selected for editing, and accordions to organize your advertiser information. You can now use the v2 API to bulk edit your advertisers via the /advertisers/bulk endpoint.

This feature will be automatically enabled for those opted into Advertiser v2.

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