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Starting September 30, 2024, all Oracle products, including BlueKai, MOAT, and Grapeshot segments, as well as MOAT post bid measurement, will no longer be available on the Beeswax platform. If this impacts you, Beeswax account teams are available to assist in finding alternative options. For questions, please contact your Beeswax account representative.

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Three distinct verbs exist in the Beeswax Buzz UI and API for handling segments - Include, Exclude, and Require.

Include Verb

When a segment is "included" in the targeting of a line item, any user that is part of that segment will be targeted by the line item. When multiple segments are "included" any user that is part of one or more of those segments will be targeted by the line item.

The logical operator is OR when combining multiple "included" segments.

  • The line item is targeting "include segment-1" and "include segment-2". If the user is in segment-1 OR if the user is in segment-2 (or if the user is in both), then target the user.

Exclude Verb

When a segment is "excluded" in the targeting of a line item, a user must not be part of that segment in order to be targeted. When multiple segments are "excluded" a user must not be in any of the excluded segments in order to be targeted.

  • The line item is targeting "exclude segment-3" and "exclude segment-4". If the user is in either of those segments, the user will not be targeted.

Require Verb

When a segment is "required" in the targeting of a line item, a user must be a part of this segment in order to be targeted. This is similar to using an "include" on a segment, but with slightly different logic.

The logical operator is AND when combining multiple "required" segments.

  • The line item is targeting "require segment-5" and "require segment-6". In order to be targeted, the user must be in segment-5 AND segment-6

Mixing Include, Exclude, and Require

When a segment mixes verbs, a user must satisfy all verb categories in order to serve.

  • The line item is targeting "include segment-1", "include segment-2" and "require segment-5". The user must be in segment-1 or in segment-2, and the user must be in segment-5 in order to be targeted.
  • The line item is targeting "include segment-1", "include segment-2", "exclude segment-3" and "exclude segment-4". The user must be in segment-1 or in segment-2, and not in either segment-3 or segment-4, in order to be targeted.
  • The line item is targeting "exclude segment-3", "exclude segment-4" and "require segment-5". The user must be in segment-5 and not in either segment-3 or segment-4 in order to be targeted.
  • No labels
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