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Starting September 30, 2024, all Oracle products, including BlueKai, MOAT, and Grapeshot segments, as well as MOAT post bid measurement, will no longer be available on the Beeswax platform. If this impacts you, Beeswax account teams are available to assist in finding alternative options. For questions, please contact your Beeswax account representative.

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To manage conversions when a javascript tag or image pixel cannot be installed, such as for app installs, Beeswax offers the option of postback tags. 

How it Works

The images below summarize the general lifecycle of Click Attribution and Viewthrough Conversion postback events, respectively. 

Custom Server-Side Postback Attribution (Not using common vendors listed below)

When creating an event for tracking conversions, in the Create Event window, select “Generic URL for mobile app install Postback”.

Fire this postback URL complete with the corresponding AUCTION_ID of the auction that deserves credit for the conversion.  You can obtain the AUCTION_ID in the following ways:

  • For click attribution, in any environment, you may pass the AUCTION_ID to your attribution server directly upon the click using the {{AUCTION_ID}} macro in the click URL on the creative.  You would then fire off the postback if that user ID converts.  In desktop or mobile web, this generally requires a cookie sync in place with Beeswax.
  • Alternatively for click attribution in desktop and mobile web if you do not have an attribution server, do not want to set up cookie sync, or are redirecting from an app environment to a mobile web environment, you may pass the AUCTION_ID to your website in a landing page URL parameter using the {{AUCTION_ID}} macro in the click URL on the creative.  You can then grab the AUCTION_ID from the landing page URL for usage in your data layer.  You would then fire off the postback at the point of conversion on the website. 
  • For viewthrough attribution, you may pass the AUCTION_ID to a server using the {{AUCTION_ID}} macro in an image pixel you include on your creative.
  • For more custom attribution models, you may obtain the desired AUCTION_ID by looking up the corresponding USER_ID and timestamp info for the conversion in Beeswax win logs.

Using Common Attribution Vendors

If using an attribution vendor such as Tune, Kochava, or Apsalar, you must ensure that the Beeswax {{AUCTION_ID}} macro is used against the correct key within the respective attribution partner’s click URL tag.  This key-value pair should be appended to the attribution partner’s click URL tag on the creative loaded in the Beeswax UI.   

We STRONGLY recommend that you ensure you are passing the device ID to the attribution vendor using the {{IOS_ID_SHA1}}, {{ANDROID_ID_SHA1}}, or {{USER_ID_SHA1}} macros; otherwise, the vendors default to their fingerprinting technology, and you will see significantly lower attribution.

An install action occurs when a device opens an advertiser app for the first time.  If you are an affiliate, you must provide the postback to your client for installation in their app.  Or, if an attribution toolset's SDK is installed, you must configure the parameters of the postback in that vendor's platform--more info on common vendors is below.  When the app is opened for the first time the postback is reported to Beeswax and the Beeswax Auction ID that is passed will allow Beeswax to tie the conversion to a given campaign and line item.

Below are the latest configurations that we are aware of for various partners.  While we do our best to keep these up to date, note that these may have been recently updated by the partner. Please do correspond with your support teams at those partners before installing a Beeswax postback to ensure it is done properly. 

Branch Postback Configuration

Please see Branch documentation for specific guidance on tag handling. Customers who have a legacy TUNE SDK in their apps should also follow the Branch workflow for setting up postbacks.

      • Users must follow Branch’s instructions to configure postbacks in Branch for attribution reporting to Beeswax.  
      • Beeswax specific fields required for set up:
        • The ‘Buzz Key’ field should be populated in the ‘Accounts Settings’ tab. 
        • The ‘Event ID’ fields should be populated in the ‘Postback Config’ tab with the relevant event ID from Beeswax.
        • Once events have been set up, generate a new Ad Link by selecting ‘Create Beeswax Link’ and then selecting the type of link you want to create
        • Configure your link parameters and select Beeswax as the ‘Ad Partner’
        • Copy the click and impression Ad Links to add to your creatives.

Singular (Apsalar) Postback Configuration

Please see Singular documentation for guidance on partner configurations. See also singular link creation and legacy link generation.

  • Singular click URL key-value for Beeswax Macro:


  • Users must follow Singular’s instructions to configure postbacks in Singular for attribution reporting to Beeswax.
  • Once configured, use the Beeswax postback URL generated from the Conversion Event in Step 3 above. Example with Singular parameters below


AppsFlyer Postback Configuration

Please see AppsFlyer documentation on integrated partner configurations

  • In the Create Event screen in the Buzz UI, select "Generic URL for mobile app install Postback"
  • Once in AppsFlyer, please enter Beeswax as a partner on the configuration page and toggle on the "activate partner" switch:


  • Once you get the "Set integration parameters" screen in the AppsFlyer user interface, fill in the Event_ID (the ID of the event object generated when you save the event in the Buzz UI from step 3 above) and your buzz_key

  • For in-app events (NOTE: In-app events are not supported within Query Tool, and conversion data in Query Tool will be incorrect if you are also posting back in-app events.  In-app events should only be used by clients who are receiving Conversion Logs or Real Time Win Logs.):
    • You will select "Only Beeswax attributed installs' in-app events"
    • Insert the buzz_key
    • Select the SDK event to capture and insert the corresponding event ID for that event
    • AppsFlyer will pass us back the buzz_key, auction_ID, event_ID, and monetary value of the event.  These values will show up in the corresponding columns of the conversion logs or messages in the real time win logs.

Adjust Postback Configuration

Please see this page for full details on how to setup postbacks using Adjust: How to Adjust with Beeswax

Kochava Postback Configuration

Please see Kochava documentation for specific guidance on Kochava system configurations

  • App Install Events
    • In the Create Event screen in the Buzz UI, select "Generic URL for mobile app install Postback"
    • Once you get the "Edit Postback: Install" screen in the Kochava user interface, fill in the TAG_ID (the ID of the Event object generated when you save the event in the Buzz UI from step 3 above) and your Buzz Key.

  • Post-install Events 
    • NOTE: In-app events are not supported within Query Tool, and conversion data in Query Tool will be incorrect if you are also posting back in-app events.  In-app events should only be used by clients who are receiving Conversion Logs or Real Time Win Logs
    • In the Create Event screen in the Buzz UI, select "Generic URL for mobile app install Postback"
    • Once you get the "Edit Postback: Purchase Event" screen in the Kochava user interface, fill in the TAG_ID (the ID of the Event object generated when you save the event in the Buzz UI from step 3 above), your Buzz Key (as this is case sensitive, ensure you are using lower case), the order quantity (optional) and event value (optional)

GDPR Changes for Mobile Attribution Vendors

Due to the forthcoming GDPR in the European Union, Beeswax is taking steps to ensure compliance. Beeswax is taking a conservative approach to compliance, and as part of this, the functionality of integrations with mobile attribution vendors requires changes. In summary, you will need to ensure that all creatives use the SHA1 versions of our user ID macros, instead of the original versions.

We are working with each integrated vendor to ensure that their auto-generated click and impression URLs reflect the changes below. For existing creatives running in EMEA, you will need to modify the clickthrough URLs accordingly. Existing creatives running in any other region will not be affected.

 •    Add "&device_id_is_hashed=true&device_hash_method=sha1" to the URL
 •    Replace any identifier macro above with the same suffixed by SHA1
     ◦    e.g. "{{IOS_ID}}" becomes "{{IOS_ID_SHA1}}"
 •    Replace "ios_ifa={{USER_ID}} with "ios_ifa_sha1={{USER_ID_SHA1}}"
 •    Replace "google_aid={{USER_ID}}" with "google_aid_sha1={{USER_ID_SHA1}}"
 •    Replace "idfa={{USER_ID}}" with "sha1_idfa={{USER_ID_SHA1}}"
 •    Replace "android_id={{USER_ID}}" with "sha1_android_id={{USER_ID_SHA1}}"
 •    Replace "idfa={{IOS_ID}}" with "idfa_lower_sha1={{IOS_ID_SHA1}}"
 •    Replace "gps_adid={{ANDROID_ID}}" with "gps_adid_lower_sha1={{ANDROID_ID_SHA1}}"

Postback Setup

Nothing should change with the postback setup. We use the auction ID sent back to us by the partner to tie the conversion event to the impression. As such, no change needs to be made on that end to ensure that postback conversions continue to work.

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