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Beeswax has an advanced reporting tool for full customization on reporting. This article highlights the workflow and functionality in Report Builder:

Navigating to Report Builder Reports

  1. Click on the Reporting dropdown to view the list of accessible reports.
    You may have restricted access to one or more reports as per your assigned Role in the Buzz UI. Restricted reports will not appear in the dropdown.
  2. Select your desired report type to navigate to its page. 

Building Reports

You can use Dimensions and Measures to specify fields group and to associate desired metrics. You can expand or collapse the fields. 

You can use the search bar to look up for a specific field:

To run the report click on the Run button at the top right corner. Selecting different Dimensions and Measures will add column headers to the report pane, illustrating the report format once it has been run. You can drag and drop the columns to re-order them (with measurements staying on the far right to allow for grouping).

You can sort results by clicking on the column header, with a caret appearing to illustrate whether the results will be in Ascending or Descending order. You can filter on both Dimensions and Measures by either clicking on the gear icon in the column header to open a drop-down or by using the Filter label alongside the Measures in the sidebar.

Filters can be combined using AND and OR conjunctions, as well as using more advanced operators such as ‘contains’, ‘is equal to’, ‘does not contain’, ‘is not equal to’, and so on.

Report builder also allows you to pivot your results, reducing the need for external spreadsheet software. 

In order to pivot data by a specific dimension, click on the ‘Pivot’ option when selecting a field to add to the report:


The powerful features of Report Builder allow users to visualize the data displayed in the results pane within the same view. In order to start building a visualization, start by uncollapsing the ‘Visualization’ tab and choosing a chart or visualization type from the available options. 

The tool will automatically try to interpret the data within the results section and apply the most logical and applicable visualization. You can also toggle and adjust different settings in order to change axes and create a more intuitive graphic. When a report containing a visualization is saved, the configured visualization will also be saved alongside the report.

Note: Certain visualizations may not be compatible with the results data ( such as Too Many Rows), however, you will receive detailed feedback on your screen when this occurs:

In order to fine-tune your visualizations, you can use the Edit bar on the side: 

You can also specify which fields should not appear in the visualization:

Saved Reports

Report Builders allows you to save reports for future reference. Once you run a report, an option will appear within the gear icon at the top right-hand corner to “Save as a Look...”.

You will be prompted to give the report a saved name. To access this report in the future, you can pick any report from the Reporting dropdown. Then, at the top right-hand corner of that report, there will be a four tiles icon, click it to see all saved reports. 

Clicking on the report will re-run the associated report and display the saved Vvsualization. You can edit an existing saved report; click on the gear icon for “Explore from Here”, which will return you to the Report Builder view for that specific report.

Downloading Reports

The option to download report results can be found by clicking the gear at the top right corner and selecting the “Download” option after the report has been run. This will open the following modal allowing you to specify criteria for the download file:

All of the following file formats are supported by Report Builder:

  • TXT
  • XLSX
  • CSV
  • JSON
  • HTML
  • Markdown
  • PNG (of the Visualization)

You can export a boundless set of report results by choosing the “All Results” option under “Limit”. Report Builder users are not subject to a maximum row limit when downloading their report results.

Sending and Scheduling Reports

If you would like to export data out of Report Builder to another system, you can do this either on a scheduled cadence or an ad hoc basis using one of many new delivery methods: email, S3, SFTP, and webhooks.

To send a report to another system or client on an ad hoc basis, select the “Send…” option from the gear menu at the top-right corner. This will open a modal with sending options.

In order to schedule a report to be run at a specific time, and the results to be sent to certain recipients, you will receive a list of options as well as the scheduled window. Important: Please reach out to your Beeswax Account Manager before setting up any reports which will run on an ‘Hourly’ (or less) schedule.

The schedule window can be chosen down to 5-minute increments:


Buzz allows users to create custom dashboards based on the functionality of Report Builder. This offers a powerful visualization tool which can help you keep on top of the performance and delivery of your campaigns from one central location, and with custom permissioning these can also be exposed directly to read-only Users with custom Roles (e.g. clients or partners).

Buzz also includes standard dashboards which offer a summary of activity across your account. 

Accessing Dashboards

Dashboards are visible in the Buzz UI via the ‘Dashboard’ header dropdown. All users have a "Performance Dashboard" to start.

Creating a Dashboard

You can create your own dashboards in Report Builder by using the ‘Save to Dashboard’ option under the Report Builder settings. By default, these dashboards will only be visible to you.

You can then either choose to create a “New Dashboard” or choose an existing one to add your new tile/visualization: 

Making Dashboards Viewable by Other Users

To make a dashboard available to other users in your Buzz Key, please contact Beeswax Support and specify the name of your Dashboard.

Only the original creator of a Dashboard can add new tiles to an existing Dashboard.

Dashboard Permissions

Dashboard permissions are available via Beeswax Roles. When a new Dashboard is added to your Buzz Key’s list of available Dashboards, it will appear as a new option within Role Permissions:

You can therefore use Roles to decide which Users on your platform will have access to which Dashboards. If you have restricted which Roles can access specific measures in reports using the Reporting Field Groups, these permissions will be respected if those same measures are present in the dashboard. For example, you might disable a Role from seeing the "revenue" measure, but if that “revenue” measure is included in a Dashboard to which the same Role has access to, then the field will be hidden. Note: This may cause some Dashboards to appear differently than intended or display errors.

Example Use Case

You have an automotive client which has their own separate Account (via Multi-account) on your Buzz Key. You would like to keep them up to date on the performance of their Campaigns.

You begin by creating custom tiles via report types in Report Builder using their Campaign IDs as filters and then add the tiles to a custom Dashboard. You provide the name of the Dashboard to Beeswax Support who will then add this Dashboard to your list of available Dashboards on your Buzz Key, and optionally restrict the Dashboard to only the Account for that advertiser.

You create a new Role for the client. This new Role has all Dashboard Permissions unchecked, apart from the Dashboard in question (which was added as a permission object when it was added to your available Dashboards).

You then create a new User for the customer and assign this new Role to the new User. The client can now access their Dashboard via the dropdown having logged into their specific account in Beeswax.


Q: What types of Data Visualizations are available out of the box?
A: Standard data visualization types are available: bar, column, line, pie, area charts, and more.  

Q: Does this impact and/or interact with Metamarkets at all?
A: No, your Metamarkets integration is unchanged, and you can still continue to use it as before to visualize and understand inventory and performance.

Q. The Report Builder defaults date filtering to the last seven days. Why is this / can this be changed?
A: Most reports customers request are for recent periods of time, and including this filter makes the query performance much faster. As of now, this default cannot be changed.

Q. Can I enable Report Builder in my sandbox (sbx) account?
A: Report Builder is only enabled on production accounts.

Q: How does Multi-Account work with Dashboards?
A: Multi-Account support is not currently possible. Dashboards will be scoped to the current Account a user is masqueraded in. At this point in time Multi-Account users cannot filter Dashboards across Accounts.

Q: Will Dashboards be accessible via the API?
A: No. Currently, all the data from Dashboards is available in the Reporting v2 version of the API.

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