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Reference Data records store additional information about entities, and are used in calculations, building schedules, and sending orders.

Types of Reference Data Records

In OneStrata, there are seven types of Reference Data records:

Record Type


Location within the OneStrata UI

Fee & Tech Rate

Non-media fee that can be added to a media schedule Placement.

The Administration > Reference Data > Fees & Tech Rates page


Tax rules and requirements.

The Administration > Reference Data > Taxes page


An amount that an Ageny charges a Client for the services provided.

The Administration > Reference Data > Commissions page

Exchange Rate

Exchange rate between two types of currencies.

The Administration > Reference Data > Exchange Rates page

Terms & Conditions

Set of legal agreements that apply to a particular Media type, Agency, Business Unit, Client Group / Client, or Order Partner.

The Administration > Reference Data > Terms & Conditions page

Media Type


An advertising method, like Digital. Each campaign is for a single Media Type.

The Administration > Reference Data > Media page

Cost Category

A subcategory of a Media Type, like Social or Display.

The Administration > Reference Data > Cost Categories page

About Fees and Tech Rates

Fees and tech rates are added to individual Placements within a media schedule, but are generally pre-defined as a Reference Data Fee record. This improves consistency and reduces human error when applying fees, because OneStrata automatically calculates and applies the appropriate fees and costs.

Fee Types

There are three ways that a fee or tech rate can be added to a schedule:

Fee TypeDescription

Assigned Fee

A fee that is automatically created within a media schedule when a Fee Assignment is added to a Placement. A pre-existing Assigned Fee record defines how each value in the resulting Assigned Fee cost line is calculated, and these values cannot by changed by the user within the schedule.

Central Fee

A fee that is manually added to a media schedule, and has some pre-defined values. A pre-existing Central Fee record defines how some values in the resulting Central Fee cost line are calculated, and depending on additional settings, these values can or cannot be modified within the schedule.

Entered Fee

A fee that is completely manually added to a media schedule, and has no pre-defined values. All values in the resulting Entered Fee cost line are filled in by the user, within the schedule.

Rate Types

A Rate Type is the pricing model by which ad units are purchased.

There are three categories of Rate Types:

  • Fixed
  • Percentage of Media (POM)
  • Other (Volume-based)
Rate TypesDescription


A fee that is a set, unchanging amount defined by the value in the Fee record's Vendor Rate field.

Example: A Fixed fee of $5,000.

Percentage of Media (POM)

A fee that is calculated as a percentage of a cost. The percentage is defined by the Fee record's Vendor Rate field, and the cost is defined by the Fee record's Cost Type field.

Example: A POM fee that is 1% of the Vendor Net Cost.

Other (Volume-based)

A fee that is calculated by adding a buffer to units, and multiplying the sum by a volume-based rate. The buffer and rate are defined in the Fee record's Buffer and Vendor Rate fields, and the units are specified on the Placement that the fee is assigned to.

Volume-based Rate Types include CPM (Impressions), CPC (Clicks), and CPA (Acquisitions).

Example: A volume-based fee that is $0.30 per impression, with a 10% buffer.

About Commissions

An Agency may charge a Client a commission for their services: Client Commission = Client Commission Percentage x Client Commission Basis.

Client Commission values are followed by (CC) or (AC), indicating in Client Currency or in Agency Currency. For more information, see Currencies.

A Commission record defines the Client Commission Percentage and Client Commission Basis:


Client Commission

Client Commission Percentage

The percentage of commission that the client is charged.

Client Commission Basis

The cost type that the Client Commission Percentage is applied to:

  • Client Gross CostThe amount that the client is quoted, before any discounts are applied.
  • Client Net Cost: The amount that the client is charged for the media purchases, after any discounts are applied but before any commission or taxes are added.

Reference Data Page UI Reference

Reference Data > Fees & Tech Rates Tab UI Reference

Column Name



The OneStrata identification number of the Fee record.


The unique name of the Fee record.

Fee Type

How the Fee record will be entered on a media schedule.

  • Assigned
  • Central:
Media Type

The Media Type that the Fee record can be applied to.

Rate Type

The Rate Type of the Fee record.

  • Fixed:
  • Percentage of Media:
  • Other (Volume-based):

Vendor Rate

Cost Type

The Cost Type of the Fee record:

  • Vendor GrossThe amount that the vendor quotes, before any standard discounts are applied and any taxes are added.
  • Vendor Net: The amount that the vendor charges for the media purchase(s), after any discounts are applied but before any taxes are added.
  • Allocated Amount: The client budget allocated to the media line within the schedule

Cost Category

The Cost Category of the Fee record.


The Agency associated with the Fee record.

Business Unit

The Business Unit associated with the Fee record.

Client Group

The Client Group associated with the Fee record, if any.


The Client associated with the Fee record, if any.


The Payee associated with the Fee record.

Order Partner

The Order Partner associated with the Fee record.


The Supplier associated with the Fee record.


The currency in which the Fee record is applied.

Valid From / Valid To

The date range that the fee or rate is valid for.

Last Modified

Which OneStrata user last modified Fee record, and when.

Reference Data > Commission Tab UI Reference

Column name



The status of the Commission record:

  • Active: The Commission record can be used.
  • Inactive: The Commission record has been deactivated and cannot be used.


The OneStrata identification number of the Commission record.


The unique name of the Commission record.

Valid From / Valid To

The date range that the Commission record is valid for.


Commission Percent

Client Commission Percentage

The percentage of commission that the client is charged.

Commission Basis

Client Commission Basis

The cost type that the Client Commission Percentage is applied to:

  • Client Gross CostThe amount that the client is quoted, before any discounts are applied.
  • Client Net Cost: The amount that the client is charged for the media purchases, after any discounts are applied but before any commission or taxes are added.


The Agency associated with the Commission record.

Business Unit

The Business Unit associated with the Commission record.

Client Group

The Client Group associated with the Commission record.


The Client associated with the Commission record.


The Product associated with the Commission record.


The Media Type of the Commission record.

Cost Category

The Cost Category of the Commission record.


The Supplier associated with the commission.


Whether the Commission record is the default commission for the given level or not.

  • Level refers to the combination of Agency, Business Unit, Client Group, Client, Product, Media, Cost Category, and Supplier values
  • If there is only one Commission record for a level, that record is automatically the default commission.
  • If there is more than one Commission record for a level, one of the Commission records can be selected as the default.
  • When a Commission record is a default commission, it is automatically applied to a schedule line that matches its levels. If desired, Users can change the default Commission record to a different Commission record.

Last Modified

When the Commission record was last modified.

  • No labels
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