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Table of Contents

Table of Contents




Create-External-Campaign-Name-FormulaCreate-External-Campaign-Name-FormulaCreate an Ad Server or DSP Campaign Name Formula

By default, when creating a new ad server campaign or DSP campaign within OneStrata, the external name of the ad server or DSP campaign (the name of the ad server campaign in the ad server, or the name of the DSP campaign in the DSP) is the same as the OneStrata campaign name.

However, it is possible to create a concatenated formula that automatically creates an ad server or DSP campaign name according to defined naming conventions. The concatenated formulas for ad server campaign names, DSP campaign names, and OneStrata campaign names are separate, meaning that it is possible to apply different naming conventions to all three types of campaigns.

To create a concatenated formula for an external ad server or DSP campaign name, do the following:

Navigate to the Administration > Data Fields and Templates page.
Expand the schema table as necessary in order to reach the entity that the data field will be created for.
For the desired entity row, click the value in the Schema column to open its Manage Data Fields and Templates page.
By default, the Manage Data Fields and Templates page opens on the Data Fields tab. On the Data Fields tab, find the appropriate data field:
To create an ad server campaign name formula, select the Name field that exists as the External Campaign (Ad Server) schema level.
To create a DSP campaign name formula, select the Name field that exists as the External Campaign (DSP) schema level.
  • On the Edit Your Field or Formula page, follow the regular steps for creating a concatenated formula. 
  • Log-In




    Log In

    to an External Integration

    To an External Integration 

    To log in to an external integration provider, do the following:

    1. Open a campaign that the provider has been assigned to.

    2. Depending on the Provider Type provider type, choose the appropriate action:
      If the provider is an Ad Server provider, do the following:
      Provider TypeStep
      Ad Server

      Navigate to the Ad Server dashboard.

      Optional: If the appropriate provider is not already selected, use the Provider list (see Ad Server Provider Dashboard UI Reference, item 3) to select the desired provider.
      If the provider is a DSP provider, do the following: DSP Google Display & Video 360 (DV360) is the only available DSP provider, and is selected by default.

    3. In the Provider Login section, click Click the Log In button to open the Login widget.

    4. In the Login widget, do the following:
      For External Integration Credentia
      Item NameStep(s)
      External Integration CredentialSelect the desired
      l, select the appropriate
      set of login credentials.

      Log In icon (Image Added)

      Click the Log In icon

      Image Removed


      Optional: If the

      Only available if the credentials are individually stored


      Enter the username configured for the selected set of login credentials.

      Only available if the credentials are individually stored

      , do the following:

      For Username and Password


      Enter the password configured for the selected set of login credentials

      , enter a valid combination of username and password values


    5. Click the Log In button to log into the external integration.





    Log Out

    from an

    From an External



    To log out from an external integration provider, do the following:

    1. Open a campaign that the provider has been assigned to.

    2. Depending on the Provider Type provider type, choose the appropriate action:
      If the provider is an Ad Server provider, do the following:
      Provider TypeStep
      Ad Server

      Navigate to the Ad Server dashboard.

    3. Optional: If the appropriate provider is not already selected, use the Provider list (see Ad Server Provider Dashboard UI Reference, item 3) to select the desired provider.
    4. If the provider is a DSP provider, do the following: DSP dashboard. Google Display & Video 360 (DV360) is the only available DSP provider, and is selected by default.
      Click the Log Out button to open the Logout widget

    5. In the Logout widget Provider Login section, click the Log Out iconImage Removed button to log out from the external integration.
    You are evaluating Refined.