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Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Open a Campaign

To open a campaign, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Campaigns > Media Campaigns page.

  2. Identify the campaign by doing one of the following:

    • Scroll through the list of all campaigns and manually find a specific campaign.

    • Use the filters to narrow down the displayed campaigns. Then, manually find a specific campaign.

    • Use the search bar to search for a specific campaign by name, Campaign ID, or External ID.

  3. Click on the name of the desired campaign. By default, the campaign opens on the Overview tab.

Archive a Campaign


Caution: Campaigns that are archived can still be edited, as if they were active campaigns. However, archived campaigns cannot be un-archived.

OneStrata automatically archives campaigns with an end date six months in the past, but campaigns can also be manually archived:

  • Archiving a campaign removes the campaign from the list of campaigns displayed on the Media Campaigns grid by default, making it easier to find campaigns that are actively being worked on.
  • Archiving a campaign does not "deactivate" a campaign; none of the Schedule grid lines in an archived campaign are automatically canceled. Instead, the Schedule grid lines must be manually canceled, if desired; see Cancel a Schedule Grid Line.

To manually archive a campaign, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the campaign's Overview tab, and then click the Campaign Settings button in the upper right corner of the screen.

  2. Click Archive Campaign.

  3. Read the warnings and click Archive.

Copy a Campaign

Copying a campaign is a quick way to create a new campaign that is similar to an existing campaign. A copy of a campaign can have the same name as the original campaign or as any other existing campaign, but will have a different campaign ID value.


A copied campaign can keep or change the Name, Dates, Media, Client, or Product values from the original campaign, as well as any schedules and Unit Calendar allocations that the original campaign has. However, copying a campaign does not copy any of the following values:

  • Objective / Campaign description
  • Budget
  • Budget Cost Type
  • Any goals
  • Any uploaded documents
  • Exchange rate

The copied campaign must be linked to an estimate and have values for the Budget and Budget Cost Type fields in order to commit any schedule lines and continue the campaign management workflow.

To copy a campaign, do the following:

  1. While on any of the campaign management tabs of the desired campaign, click the Copy button to open the Copy Media Campaign widget.

  2. In the Copy Media Campaign widget:
    Field NameSub-Field NameStep

    Change or keep the name of the campaign as desired.
    DatesChange or keep the campaign dates as desired.
    MediaChange or keep the Media Type of the campaign as desired.
    ClientChange or keep the campaign client or desired
    ProductChange or keep the campaign product as desired.

    Media Schedule



    Copy Unit Calendar Allocations


    This checkbox is only available if the copied campaign has the exact same dates as the campaign being copied.


    If the Copy Unit Calendar Allocations checkbox is selected:

    • Any schedules selected below and their Unit Calendar allocations are copied.

    • This means that any flight-level adjustments made by a user to any of the Schedule grid lines within the copied schedule(s), through the Unit Calendar widget, are also copied. For example, any manual adjustments to the start or end dates of a Schedule grid line's flight periods.

      For more information, see Unit Calendar Widget and Edit Flight Periods.

    If the Copy Unit Calendar Allocations checkbox is not selected:

    • Any schedules selected below are copied, but their Unit Calendar allocations is not copied.

    • This means that any flight-level adjustments made by a user to any of the Schedule grid lines within the copied schedule(s), through the Unit Calendar widget, are not copied.


    This section displays the draft schedules of the campaign being copied, if any.

    If desired, select one or more draft schedules to copy.


    This section displays the active schedules of the campaign being copied, if any.

    If desired, select one or more active schedules to copy.


    This section displays the archived schedules of the campaign being copied, if any.

    If desired, select one or more archived schedules to copy.

  3. Click the Copy Media Campaign button.


or View

a Campaign's Settings

After a campaign is created, the existing information can be edited or new information can be added.

Edit a Campaign's Name, Dates, Assigned Owner, or External ID

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To edit a campaign's name, flight dates, Assigned Owner, or External ID, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Edit Settings > General Details by doing one of the following:

    • On any of the campaign management tabs of the desired campaign, click the Campaign Settings button. The Edit Settings page automatically opens to General Details.

    • On the Overview tab of the desired, in the upper right corner of the Summary section, click Edit.

  2. Update the Campaign Name, Dates, Assigned Owner, or External ID fields as desired.

  3. Choose one of the following options:

    • To save changes and close the Edit Settings page, click Save.

    • To close the Edit Settings page without saving changes, click Close.

Edit a Campaign's Objectives, Goals, or Budget

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To edit a campaign's objectives, goals, or budget, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Edit Settings > Objectives and Goals by doing one of the following:

    • On any of the campaign management tabs of the desired campaign, click the Campaign Settings button. Then, on the left navigation bar of the Edit Settings page, click Objectives and Goals.

    • On the Overview tab of the desired campaign, in the upper right corner of the Budget section, click Edit.

    • On the Overview tab of the desired campaign, in the upper right corner of the Goals & Objectives section, click Edit.

  2. Update the Objective / Campaign Description, Budget, Budget Cost Type, or Goals fields as desired.

  3. Choose one of the following options:

    • To save changes and close the Edit Settings page, click Save.

    • To close the Edit Settings page without saving changes, click Close.

Edit, Add, or Delete a Campaign Exchange Rate

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Edit a Campaign Exchange Rate

To edit an exchange rate within a campaign:

  1. Navigate to Edit Settings > Exchange Rates by doing one of the following:

    • On any of the campaign management tabs of the desired campaign, click the Campaign Settings button. Then, on the left navigation bar of the Edit Settings page, click Exchange Rates.

    • On the Overview tab of the desired campaign, in the upper right corner of the Exchange section, click Add/Edit.

  2. On the desired exchange rate, click the pencil-shaped edit icon. 

  3. Update fields as desired.

  4. Click Update.

  5. Choose one of the following options:

    • To save changes and close the Edit Settings page, click Save.

    • To close the Edit Settings page without saving changes, click Close.

Add a Campaign Exchange Rate

To add an exchange rate within a campaign:

  1. Navigate to Edit Settings > Exchange Rates by doing one of the following:

    • On any of the campaign management tabs of the desired campaign, click the Campaign Settings button. Then, on the left navigation bar of the Edit Settings page, click Exchange Rates.

    • On the Overview tab of the desired campaign, in the upper right corner of the Exchange Rates section, click Add/Edit.

  2. Click Add New Rate.

  3. Enter the following information:

    1. For From, select the currency to exchange from.

    2. For To, select the currency to exchange to.

    3. For Rate, enter the exchange rate.

  4. Click Add to add the new exchange rate.

  5. Choose one of the following options:

    • To save changes and close the Edit Settings page, click Save.

    • To close the Edit Settings page without saving changes, click Close.

Delete a Campaign Exchange Rate

To delete an exchange rate within a campaign:

  1. Navigate to Edit Settings > Exchange Rates by doing one of the following:

    • On any of the campaign management tabs of the desired campaign, click the Campaign Settings button. Then, on the left navigation bar of the Edit Settings page, click Exchange Rates.

    • On the Overview tab of the desired campaign, in the upper right corner of the Exchange section, click Add/Edit.

  2. On the desired exchange rate, click the trash can-shaped delete icon. The exchange rate is immediately deleted, and this action cannot be undone within the editor. However, close the Edit Settings page without saving changes to "undo" the exchange rate deletion.

  3. Choose one of the following options:

    • To save changes and close the Edit Settings page, click Save.

    • To close the Edit Settings page without saving changes, click Close.

Change a Campaign's Cost Distribution

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To change how a campaign distributes its costs, do the following:

  1. On any of the campaign management tabs of the desired campaign, click the Campaign Settings button.

  2. On the left navigation bar of the Edit Settings page, click Cost Distribution.

  3. Select a Pro Rata or Even cost distribution. For more information, see Cost Distribution.

  4. Choose one of the following options:

    • To save changes and close the Edit Settings page, click Save.

    • To close the Edit Settings page without saving changes, click Close.

View a Campaign's Settings

View a Campaign's Unit Calendar Setting

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To view what type of Unit Calendar setting a campaign uses, do the following:

  1. On any of the campaign management tabs of the campaign that you want to edit, click the Campaign Settings button.

  2. On the left navigation bar of the Edit Settings page, click Unit Calendar.Depending on how the Enterprise is configured, the Unit Calendar setting is either Monthly, Weekly, or Daily.


the Templates That

a Campaign


's Templates

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To view the templates that a campaign uses, do the following:

  1. On any of the campaign management tabs of the campaign that you want to edit, click the Campaign Settings button.

  2. On the left navigation bar of the Edit Settings page, click Templates Used.



a Campaign's Cost Model

That a Campaign Uses

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To view the cost model that a campaign uses, do the following:

  1. On any of the campaign management tabs of the desired campaign, click the Campaign Settings button.

  2. On the left navigation bar of the Edit Settings page, click Cost Models.

Cost models are managed by OneStrata. To edit a cost model's settings, contact your OneStrata representative.

Copy a Campaign

Copying a campaign is a quick way to create a new campaign that is similar to an existing campaign. A copy of a campaign can have the same name as the original campaign or as any other existing campaign, but will have a different ID value.


A copied campaign can keep or change the Name, Dates, Media, Client, or Product values from the original campaign, as well as any schedules that the original campaign has. However, copying a campaign does not copy any of the following values:

  • Objective / Campaign Description
  • Budget
  • Budget Cost Type
  • Any Goals
  • Any uploaded documents
  • Exchange rate

The copied campaign must be linked to an estimate and have values for the Budget and Budget Cost Type fields in order to commit any schedule lines and continue the campaign management workflow.

To copy a campaign, do the following:

While on any of the campaign management tabs of the desired campaign, click the Copy button


Change or keep the values in Name, Dates, Media, Client, and Product fields as desired.
Optional: In the Also Copy section, select any schedules to copy into the new campaign.
  • Click Copy Media Campaign.
  • Next Steps

  • Link the campaign to an existing estimate, or create and link a new estimate to the campaign
  • Edit the newly created campaign's settings

    Find a Campaign Estimate's External ID

    In OneStrata, estimates have two associated identification numbers, an estimate ID and an External ID:

    • Estimate ID: Used for reference within the OneStrata platform
    • External ID: Depending on how the Enterprise is configured, an estimate's External ID is either an optionally added string or a value automatically created and added by an external media finance system that is connected to OneStrata, like SBMS.

    To find an estimate's External ID, do the following:

    • Navigate to the Overview tab of the campaign that the estimate is linked to. The estimate's External ID is located in the Finance section.
    AnchorArchive-CampaignArchive-CampaignArchive a Campaign

    Archiving a campaign removes the campaign from the default list of all campaigns, and helps keep the campaign list page more streamlined. OneStrata automatically archives campaigns with an End Date more than six months older than today's date.


    Caution: Campaigns that are archived can still be edited, as if they were active campaigns, but cannot be un-archived.

    To archive a campaign, do the following:

    Navigate to the campaign's Overview tab, and then click the Campaign Settings button in the upper right corner of the screen.
    Click Archive Campaign.
    Read the warnings and click Archive
    • .
    You are evaluating Refined.