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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



End user message

Check targeting for line item

"This Line Item is of a banner type but is targeted to {{parameter}}, which is primarily a video exchange"

This notification will be supported for the following exchanges:

  • Liverail
  • BrightRoll
  • Aerserv
  • Beachfront
  • Dailymotion
  • Nexstar Digital
  • Magnite CTV
  • SpotX

Check if banner type with video line item

"This Line Item targets the interstitial type BANNER, but is a video type and will not match"

Check if video type with banner line item

"This Line Item targets the interstitial type Video, but is a banner type and will not match"

Check if more than 50% of total creative approvals 

"Multiple creatives associated with this Line Item have been rejected."

Check targeting for line item

“This line item targets individual IP addresses, which will limit deliverability”

Check creative assigned to line item

“Creative(s) with id(s)={ids} are assigned to this line item but are not secure. This will prevent them from serving on many exchanges, including the majority of Google AdX."

"None of the Creatives assigned to this Line Item are secure. This will prevent it from serving.”

Check creative assigned to line item

"Creative(s) with id(s)={ids} are assigned to this line item but do not have thumbnail images. This will prevent them from serving on some exchanges."

Check creative assigned to line item

“Creative(s) with id(s)={ids} assigned to this line item are not among the most common IAB sizes. This will limit the amount of inventory available for these creatives."

Check no domain

"Creative ID $1 does not have a domain set, this will prevent it from serving on some exchanges"

Check attributes

"The video creative associated with this Line Item has an unusual duration of $1. The most common durations are 15 and 30 seconds"

Check attributes

"The video creative associated with this Line Item is set as VAST 1.0. The majority of video inventory only accepts VAST 2.0"

Check attributes

"The creative associated with this Line Item is Flash. Flash is accepted by a diminishing number of sites"
