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Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Prior to uploading segment files you must first create segments to generate a segment ID. Details on how to create user segments via the UI can be found in Creating Segments in Buzz and via the API documentation. 

Segment File Format

The segment file must meet all of the following requirements:

  1. .txt file (not csv file) 
  2. utf-8 (without BOM - byte-order marks) or ASCII encoded 
  3. One user ID or IP Address per row
  4. Pipe delimited with the segment IDs in the format <uuid>|<segment_ID1> where:
    •  <uuid> is the user ID 
    • <segment_ID1> is the segment key to be updated in the format <buzz_key>-<id>
  5. One user ID type per file such as: 
    • Android Advertising ID, unhashed
    • Android Advertising ID, hashed with MD5
    • Android Advertising ID, hashed with SHA1
    • Beeswax cookie ID
    • Connected TV
    • Customer cookie ID (first party)
    • Apple IDFA, unhashed
    • Apple IDFA, hashed with MD5
    • Apple IDFA, hashed with SHA1
    • IP Address
    • Other Mobile ID types
    • Customer ID (requires additional setup)

Additional options

MultiExcerptNamesegment upload

Segment uploads are a manual way to import a file containing user information for the purpose of adding users to a segment. Segment uploads support uploading .txt files with user segment data directly from the UI, or as API requests to update user segments. The segment upload object allows uploading a .txt file containing end user-to-segment mappings that contain user ID's followed by a segment key. When the file is uploaded with users mapped to a segment key, the segment is identified and Beeswax will automatically import those users to the identified segment so that it can be used for targeting on line items or campaigns. When uploading a segment upload file, the format must be .txt and each line must contain a user ID and the segment key.


Beeswax supports adding

You may add

as many segment IDs the user ID qualifies for,


as long as each is pipe delimited after the user ID, e.g. <uuid>|<segment_ID1>|<segment_ID2>|<segment_ID3>.

You may add

Additionally, a user-segment value may be added which can be used as the value in Types of Bid Modifiers. Values must be specified as a float (number), strings will not be accepted, e.g. <uuid>|<segment_ID1>:<value>|<segment_ID2>:<value>|<segment_ID3>.

Segment File Examples

  1. Example of upload file using Beeswax cookie ID (if you have cookie sync set up with Beeswax):

Image Removed 
     2. Examples of upload file for Mobile Device IDs:

Image Removed

Accessing Segment Uploads

To access the Segment Uploads page, navigate to Trafficking > Segment Uploads at the top of the screen.

Segment Uploads List View

Image Added

List View Fields

Column NameDescription
Name & IDName & ID of created segment upload.
Upload Complete DateCompleted date of upload; displayed with date and time format of 00:00:00.
Upload Message

This is the message displayed identifying the success of the lines submitted during upload. 

Example message: 


{"lines_processed_count": 4, "is_liveramp_derived_idl": 0, "lines_failed_count": 0, "lines_succeed_count": 4, "line_parse_error": 0, "skipped_segment_count": 0, "not_found_alt_ids_for_segment_count": 0, "too_many_segment_per_line": 0, "translated_customer_id_count": 0, "unmappable_customer_id_count": 0, "warning_message": "", "error_message": ""}

Create DateDate of segment upload creation.
Upload Status

Status of the upload:

  • No file uploaded
  • Pending
  • Completed
  • Failed


Create a Segment Upload

  1. Navigate to TraffickingSegment UploadsNew Segment Upload. Additionally, segment uploads may be created by clicking the Image Addedbutton, then clicking Segment Upload at the top right of the UI.

  2. A screen will appear with the following fields to complete:

    Field NameDescription
    File Format

    Dropdown displaying the selectable file formats. For information on segment file format, see Segments.

    Segment Key Type
    • Alternative
    • Default

    Choose "DEFAULT" if using the Beeswax segment ID type unless choosing to utilize the alternative ID functionality. If using the alternative ID functionality, 

Segment File Upload via UI

  1. Upload a file of User IDs to segment mappings by going to New > Segment Upload.
  2. Declare on the Segment Upload screen whether the User ID Type is Beeswax Cookie-ID ("BEESWAX"), one of the IDFA/Android options, Customer Cookie-ID (requires additional setup) or IP Address.
  3. Declare the Segment Key Type -- Choose "DEFAULT" if you are using the Beeswax segment ID type unless you are utilizing our Alternative ID functionality. If you are using our Alternative ID functionality, please

    choose "ALTERNATIVE" as the Segment Key Type.

     You may find more info

    For more information about the Alternative ID

    process within the API "Segments" concept documentation.
  4. Select the continent the users should be available to target in (America, EMEA, APAC). If users should be available to target across regions, a separate upload should be executed for each continent.
If your upload file is larger than 10 MB, you will either need to chunk out the file to be multiple files smaller than 10 MB or you will need to use our
  1. process, see Segments.

    User ID Type*

    Declare whether the User ID Type is Beeswax Cookie-ID ("BEESWAX"), one of the IDFA/Android options, Customer Cookie-ID (requires additional setup) or IP Address.



    If looking to upload a file larger than 10 MB, multiple files must be created smaller than 10 MB or follow the large segment file upload method via S3 uploads found here: Segment Upload / Segment Update

    The segment file must meet all of the following requirements:

    • .txt file required
    • utf-8 (without BOM - byte-order marks) or ASCII encoded
    • One user ID or IP address per row
    • Pipe delimited with the segment IDs in the format <uuid>|<segment_ID1> where:
      •  <uuid> is the user ID 
      • <segment_ID1> is the segment key to be updated in the format <buzz_key>-<id>
    • One user ID type per file such as: 
      • Android Advertising ID - unhashed
      • Android Advertising ID - hashed with MD5
      • Android Advertising ID - hashed with SHA1
      • Beeswax cookie ID
      • Connected TV
      • Customer cookie ID (first party)
      • Apple IDFA - unhashed
      • Apple IDFA - hashed with MD5
      • Apple IDFA - hashed with SHA1
      • IP Address
      • Other Mobile ID types
      • Customer ID (requires additional setup)
    UI Expand
    titleSegment File Examples

    Example of upload file using Beeswax cookie ID (cookie sync must be setup for Beeswax):

    Code Block

    Example of upload file for Mobile Device IDs:

    Code Block


Segment File Upload via API or S3


The file size limit for uploads via API is 10MB. To upload files larger than 10MB, files may be uploaded


Segment File Upload via API

API documentation for segment file uploads can be found here. Note that the 10MB file size limit applies to API uploads as well as UI uploads. 

Segment File Upload via S3

To upload files larger than 10MB customers can upload files

directly to Beeswax's AWS S3 bucket. Information on this process can be found in Uploading Segments and Bid Models to S3.

Note, you will need to

For uploading segments to S3, please provide your account manager


with the AWS ARN (Amazon Resource Names) so that Beeswax can configure S3 permissions to allow

you drop

the dropping of large files on


Beeswax's cloud.

For instructions on segment file uploads via API, see Segment Upload Segment Update.

Overwriting or Deleting User-Segment Combinations

To remove Removing users from your segment, you can overwrite user IDs a segment must be done via the API. Details can be found here.

Segment Uploads On List View

Image Removed

Once uploaded, users can view their segment upload status on list view. Below are the accessible views:

  • Name & ID of your segment
  • Upload Complete Date
  • Upload Message


    Note this message includes error/failure details if your segment fails to load

  • Created date
  • Upload status: The status can be the following:
  • No file uploaded
  • Pending
  • Completed
  • Failed