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Please note that as of March 12, 2020, the feature changes shared within this article are now scheduled for May 12, 2020. All mentions of the previously targeted date of April 14, 2020 has been altered to reflect the new release date.



With the 6.35 Release, scheduled for April 14As of May 12, 2020, FreeWheel will be making changes to accredited metrics within FreeWheel Analytics.

To align with Media Rating Council (MRC) guidelines and maintain FreeWheel's General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) accreditation for Desktop, Mobile Web, Mobile In-App, and OTT metrics, the following video ad impressions will be removed from Gross Delivered Impressions and Net Delivered Impressions counts as of April 14May 12, 2020:

  • Impressions that are not client-initiated, and;
  • Impressions that cannot be verified as compliant with "Count on Begin to Render" measurement standards.


This article will cover the following:



IAB Digital Video Impression Measurement Guidelines provide general guidance on how to count valid ad impressions:


Outside of integrations using FreeWheel AdManager, it is difficult to verify which traffic complies with MRC's client-initiated Begin to Render (BTR) counting requirements. Because of this, all non-AdManager display traffic was removed from accredited impression counts in March 2019. (This traffic can still be found in Analytics under the Gross Counted Ads and Net Counted Ads metrics, but is no longer reported in Gross Delivered Impressions or Net Delivered Impressions.)

With the 6.35 this release, we will expand our MRC compliance efforts. Specifically, video ad impressions that cannot be verified as client-initiated and compliant with BTR measurement standards will be removed from Gross Delivered Impressions and Net Delivered Impressions. (As noted above, these impressions will remain available in Analytics under Gross Counted Ads and Net Counted Ads.)

SSAI Integrations

Because Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) integrations typically use server-initiated impression counting, FreeWheel is required to remove SSAI traffic from accredited metrics as part of the 6.35 release May 12, 2020 release in order to remain compliant with MRC standards.



Delivery Metrics and Definitions as of

6.35 Release

May 12, 2020

Targeted Release Date


May 12, 2020

Metric NameDescription
Gross Counted AdsThe number of ad impressions counted, including all Invalid Traffic (IVT).

This measurement includes display impression events that fired before the ad started to render, as well as video impression events from integrations which have not been verified as client-initiated and BTR-compliant.
Gross Delivered ImpressionsThe number of client-initiated, BTR-compliant ad impressions delivered, including all IVT.

Gross Delivered Impressions is a subset of Gross Counted Ads.
Net Counted AdsThe number of ad impressions counted, with IVT filtered out.

This measurement includes display impression events that fired before the ad started to render, as well as video impression events from integrations which have not been verified as client-initiated and BTR-compliant.

The Net Counted Ads metric is used for MRM system calculations, UI indicators, client billing, and other business applications.
Net Delivered ImpressionsThe number of client-initiated, BTR-compliant ad impressions delivered, with IVT filtered out.

Net Delivered Impressions is a subset of Net Counted Ads.



Impact Assessments

The impact of these changes will vary based on client integration. However, all networks with unverified endpoints can expect Delivered Impressions counts to drop (while Counted Ads should remain the same). As a result, business intelligence tools, billing systems, and downstream metrics using Delivered Impressions will be affected.



Integration Update Recommendations

Business Intelligence (BI) Updates

To help reduce the risk of possible disruption to reporting and billing systems, FreeWheel recommends clients review this information with their BI teams and make any relevant changes to delivery data ingest methods prior to the 6.35 releaserelease on May 12, 2020.

Endpoint QA

FreeWheel is available to work with networks directly to test most endpoints for BTR compliance via the Endpoint QA process outlined here.


Existing integrations using FreeWheel AdManager do not need to be resubmitted for Endpoint QA tests as AdManager already adheres to BTR requirements.

Next Steps

Additional communications on these upcoming changes will be sent out in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, please reach out to your FreeWheel Account team with any questions.
