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After creating a Campaign and assigning an advertiser, the next step in the trafficking workflow is to create line items to associate with a campaign. A line item serves the specific purpose of controlling buying activity and targeting criteria. The performance of a line item can also be tracked using the Analytics Reporting tool by selecting the "Line Item ID" dimension in the report scope.

The line item is important for successful campaign delivery and requires efficient setup. To learn how to correctly set up a line item, please refer to Create a Line Item.


To access the Line Items page, navigate to Trafficking > Line Items at the top of the screen in Beeswax. Alternatively, line items can be accessed by clicking the pill next to the campaign or advertiser name on their respective list views.


Line Items List View

To view features available while in list view, see List View Features.


The list view fields are default columns. To manage and edit these columns, click the kebob on the top right of the list view and click Manage Columns.


Column NameDescription
Name & IDName and associated ID for the created line item.
CreativesDisplays the number of associated creatives with the given line item. Clicking this field will navigate users to the Creative Association tab under line item settings.
StatusEither "Active" or "Inactive".
Delivery Status

Current status of line item performance. Options include:

  • Winning
  • Not Winning
  • Not Bidding

Displays how the line item was set up to deliver the creative. Options include:

  • Banner
  • Video
  • Native
  • Audio 

Total budget and remaining budget for the line item.


The bottom number displayed in green is the remaining budget.

Start/End DateStart and end dates for the line item flight.

OSI (On Schedule Indicator)

(Scroll right to view in UI)

Displays what percentage of spend has been used throughout the line item's flight. Also included is a percentage of spend and amount of days left on the flight.

Today Spend

(Scroll right to view in UI)

Amount spent for the line item on the day of viewing.

Lifetime Spend

(Scroll right to view in UI)

Amount spent over the course of the line item's flight.


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