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List View V2 General Availability 

On March 15th, we will enable List View v2 for all customers. If you would like to opt out of this upgrade, please contact your CSM. Please note this is solely a UI upgrade and has no API implications. An overview of the List View V2 upgrades can be found here and the training video here. New features since our last List View V2 updates include: 

  • Remember selection if going back to a page  
  • Conditional format of remaining budget (low remaining – red, high remaining – green) 
  • Enhanced On Schedule Indicator (screenshot is below)

Advertiser V2 is Now Open for Beta 

Last month we announced that Line Items V2 is available to beta; this month we are happy to announce the next component of our platform to undergo upgrades, the Advertiser object! As such, Advertisers V2 is now open for beta.


If you would like to participate in this beta, please reach out to your CSM. Please note there is currently no deadline to migrate to Line Items V2 or Advertisers V2; once we enter into general availability, we will work with you to find a realistic time to migrate and ensure you have the time you need to make any changes. Please reach out to your CSM for more details on API changes.

New Creative Attribute: Universal Ad-ID

We now support universal AD-ID on video creatives. This information can be added to the Creatives object under the Creative Attributes section for vast in-line creative templates. This helps you to gain access to premium video inventory where the publisher requires this unified creative identifier.

In addition, you can now use the new "AD-ID" macro on the creative to render this information. 

New Macro in Beeswax "AUTOPLAY_BLOCKED"

We’ve added a new creative macro, "AUTOPLAY_BLOCKED", to cover the autoplay blocked attribute reported in the battr field from the bid request. If autoplay is a blocked attribute, we will render 1 in the macro, if it is not, we will render 0. Visit the Creative Macros Help Page to see a list of all macros we support in creatives.
