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A few 6.47 release highlights are listed below:

  • Programmatic Guaranteed Deals Can Opt-out of Inventory Source Optimization

    • Programmatic Guaranteed deals can now be configured at the deal level to opt-out of Inventory Source Optimization (ISO). This allows ISO to be used at the network level but provides more granular control on deals so that users can select which deals to use.

  • Default End Time Changed for All Deal Types
    • The default end time for all deals will now be 11:59 PM / 23:59 on the last day of the deal. Previously, the default end time was 12:00 AM / 00:00 on the following day. Since the end time and date setting is now within the parameters of the campaign window, rather than extending to the following day, manual adjustment to the end date and times are no longer necessary.
