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After creating a Campaign and assigning an advertiser, the next step in the trafficking workflow is to create line items to associate with a campaign. A line item serves the specific purpose of controlling buying activity and targeting criteria. The performance of a line item can also be tracked using the Report Builder Reporting tool by selecting the "Line Item ID" dimension in the report scope.

The line item is important for successful campaign delivery and requires efficient setup. To learn how to correctly set up a line item, please refer to Create a Line Item.



The list view fields are default columns. To manage and edit these columns, click the kebob on the top right of the list view and click Manage Columns.

Image Modified

List View Fields


Below are the features relative to line items that are usable during creation or while in the list view.


The Analytics tab displays two charts, Real Time Stats and Bid Decision Flow graphs. These charts display information about the line item to better help understand its performance.

Real Time Stats

The stats here are represented in both a "Bids and Wins" chart, which shows a real time numerical count of both bids and wins on the given line item, and a "Spend" chart that displays Budget, Total Spend, and Incremental Spend. For a historical view on these numbers, there is a "Lookback Range" dropdown that will adjust the charts to anywhere from the last 1-72 hours. Be sure to click Refresh to view the most recent and relevant data.

Bid Decision Flow

A number of factors can contribute to why a line item may not be bidding. Given the multitude of permutations for setting up and optimizing line items in Beeswax, it can be difficult to narrow down the cause of delivery issues. Bid Decision Flow is a diagnostic tool for troubleshooting line item performance that provides a graph of the auction data being sent to the customer’s bidder and visualizes how the bidding system chose to respond to auctions within a given lookback window. This lookback range may be adjust between 1-72 hours, similarly to Real Time Stats. To learn more, see Bid Decision Flow.

Line Item Preset

Presets are created once a group of settings for a line item are saved as a preset after creation. This is done from the Summary tab on the upper right hand corner. Once that preset is created, it may be used on other line items as a seamless way to apply the same settings. To use a preset on a line item, see below:
