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Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Include A Shared Block
pageCommit a Schedule Line

Ad Placements on a Traffic grid can then be uploaded directly to a campaign on an external ad server, reducing the need to manually re-enter trafficking details.

Upload an Ad Placement to an External Ad Server Campaign




  • One or more OneStrata Supplier entities are mapped to ad server suppliers/sites. Mapping suppliers is not required in order to upload an Ad Placement, but is required to receive delivery metrics from the external ad server.

To upload an Ad Placement to a campaign on an external ad server, do the following:

  1. Open the media campaign that contains the Ad Placement to be uploaded.

  2. Navigate to the Ad Server Provider dashboard.

  3. Optional: If the appropriate provider is not already selected, use the Provider list to select the desired provider.

  4. In the Traffic grid, select the desired Ad Placement.

  5. Click the Upload button to open the Upload pane.

  6. On the Upload pane, choose one of the following options:

    • Upload the Ad Placement without additional information

    • Upload the Ad Placement with additional information

Upload an Ad Placement Without Additional Information

By default, an Ad Placement uploaded to an ad server campaign contains the following information, pulled from the Traffic grid: 

  • The Package Name, if the Ad Placement is part of a Package
  • The Name of the Ad Placement
  • The Format of the Ad Placement
  • The Format Dimension of the Ad Placement
  • The Start Date of the Ad Placement
  • The End Date of the Ad Placement

To upload an Ad Placement to an ad server campaign without additional information, do the following:

  1. In the Upload widget, for Include More Information, select No.

  2. Click Upload.

Upload an Ad Placement With Additional Information

To upload an Ad Placement to an ad server campaign with additional information, do the following:

  1. In the Upload widget, for Include More Information, select Yes.

  2. For Options, select the additional information to be uploaded:

    • Include Volume when Uploading: The Units value of the Schedule grid line that created the Ad Placement line is also uploaded to the ad server campaign
    • Include Cost when Uploading: The selected Cost Type value of the Schedule grid line that created the Ad Placement line is also uploaded to the ad server campaign

      • Vendor Gross (Vendor Currency):
        Include A Shared Block Inline
        pageCosts and Calculations

      • Vendor Net (Vendor Currency):
        Include A Shared Block Inline
        pageCosts and Calculations

      • Client Gross (Client Currency):
        Include A Shared Block Inline
        pageCosts and Calculations

      • Client Net (Client Currency):
        Include A Shared Block Inline
        pageCosts and Calculations

  3. Click Upload.