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Bidding StrategyBehavior
Flat CPMThis bidding strategy will always bid the CPM entered in the UI whenever it receives an ad requests that matches the line item targeting. This strategy does not use pacing and thus will deliver as fast as possible.
Flat CPM with PacingSimilar to Flat CPM, this bidding strategy will also always bid the CPM entered in the UI whenever it receives an ad requests that matches the line item targeting. However, it must also have room remaining within its pacing target. More information on pacing can be found here: Pacing.
CPC GoalThis bidding strategy will optimize towards a goal eCPC set at the line item level, as well as stay within the parameters of a max CPM bid set at the line item level. Note that this does not take companion ad clicks into consideration. CPC bidding strategy functions exclusively for Banner and Native ads.CPC Goal with PacingThis bidding strategy will optimize towards a goal eCPC set at the line item level, stay within the parameters of a max CPM bid set at the line item level and aim to evenly pace the delivery of your budget.  Note that this does not take companion ad clicks into consideration. CPC bidding strategy functions exclusively for Banner and Native ads.Optimized CPM with PacingThis bidding strategy will bid values between 10-20% lower than the base CPM entered in the UI. Most bids will be in the 10-20% range, but can fall outside that range. Bid price is a random value in log normal distribution centered on the base bid. The strategy will still prioritize remaining on its pacing target through bidding frequency.
Video Completion Rate Choose a target Video Complete Rate for a video Line Item and the Beeswax algorithm will aim to hit that target rate for the given CPM. This algorithm will not take delivery into account, so if you set the target rate too high (90%+) delivery may be significantly reduced. VCR bidding strategy is only effective for Native and Video line items. Video Completion Rate with PacingThis bidding strategy will both optimize towards the video completion target that you set and aim to evenly pace the delivery of your budget. VCR bidding strategy is only effective for Native and Video line items. 
