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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Click New Line Item on the Line Items page or go to the universal Create button and select Line Item from the drop down. You will see a modal asking for required fields information:
  2. Enter the required fields (marked with red asterisk) information:
    • Advertiser and Campaign associated with your line item.
    • Line Item Name and Type; Banner, Video, or Native.



      This cannot be changed once chosen. 

  3. Once you have entered all the required fields information, you can select Create & Continue if you would like to complete the set up for that specific line item. However, if you wish to complete the line item later, you can Create & Close to finish later. Additionally, if you select Create & Start Another, you can save the initial line item and begin creating a new one.


Buzz allows you to create lists of criteria for Bid Modifiers and Delivery Modifiers according to various targeting modules and keys. Bid Modifier terms use targeting keys to adjust the bid price. Delivery Modifier allocates delivery weight to specific inventory in real time based on the set rules. Learn more about Bid Modifiers and Delivery Modifiers.

Image Modified

Creative Association


The activity log tab allows users to see every change that has been added and/or removed. Each action is given a log ID and categorized by its category, field and date of the change.


You can now duplicate a line item while in edit mode. To duplicate, click the three-dots button on the right side of the screen.


You can also delete a line item while in edit mode. To delete, click the three-dots button > Delete on the right side of the screen.

In-Line Edit

You can edit a line item while on the Line Items list view page. To begin editing, toggle the Edit Mode button on the right side of the screen next to Manage Columns.

Edit mode provides the ability to quickly edit a single or multiple line items on the list view page. Once the toggle is enabled, you can edit the name, status, budget, start/end dates. Select which field you would like to edit and enter the new value in the field.

Image Removed

Click Save Change to save your updates or Cancel to disregard any edits you made.

Bulk Edit

Bulk Edit Line Items

To bulk edit line itemsLine item v2 allows users to bulk edit multiple line items. To bulk edit, start by selecting the checkbox(s) next to the line item you’d like to edit. Once the line items have been selected selected, a tab will appear at the bottom of the screen. Select the “edit general” button to be redirected to the edit screen.

Image Modified

The bulk edit tab will allow users to edit the following fields for line items:


  • Add to existing
  • Remove all values
  • Replace all values

Image Modified

This feature is supported across flights, frequency cap, vendor fees and custom event association.

To save your edited line items, elect ‘Save & Continue’. If you’d like to cancel your edits, press cancel to be redirected back to the list view screen.

Bulk Edit Creatives

In order to bulk edit creatives, select the "Edit Creative Association" tab on the list view. Then, choose the operations found below:

  • Add to existing
  • Remove all values
  • Replace all values

After selecting the operation(s), click "add selected" to apply the operations. The creatives selected will appear on the screen, and users will be able to edit the association weight and start/end date. 

Bulk Edit Modifiers

To bulk edit Modifiers, select the "Edit Modifiers" tab on the list view. The bulk edit tab will then allow users to edit the following fields:

Bid Modifiers:

  • Bid Modifier
  • Max bid
  • Min bid

Delivery Modifiers:

  • Delivery Modifier
  • Fallback weight

Apply changes by clicking "Save and close" for your creatives to update.

In-Line Edit

You can edit a line item while on the Line Items list view page. To begin editing, toggle the Edit Mode button on the right side of the screen next to Manage Columns.

Edit mode provides the ability to quickly edit a single or multiple line items on the list view page. Once the toggle is enabled, you can edit the name, status, budget, start/end dates. Select which field you would like to edit and enter the new value in the field.

Image Added

Click Save Change to save your updates or Cancel to disregard any edits you made.

Quick Stats

The Quick Stats panel appears on the right-side of the General, Targeting, Analytics, and Summary pages. It shows key information for your Line Item and Campaign.



 After a user clicks "Don't ask me again", the notification will re-appear on the following page for five seconds. In order to subscribe, click the desired checkbox and select "save anyway".

The bidding and winning columns have been consolidated into a new column called “Delivery Status”. The new column will display three main statuses that will show whether your line item is either: Winning, Not bidding, or not winning.