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How to change the user information or password of a Vendor Inbox account.

Edit Account Information

To edit account information, do the following:

  1. Go to the Account Settings page.

  2. In the General section, change account information as desired. The following information can be changed:
    Field NameDescription
    First NameThe first name of the user.
    Last NameThe last name of the user.
    Phone NumberThe phone number of the user.
    Job TitleThe job title of the user.

  3. Click the Save Changes button.

Change or Reset Password

Seller users use the same login credentials for Vendor Inbox and OneStrata. Changing the password on either platform's account settings page changes the password for both platforms.

To change or reset the password of a Vendor Inbox account, do the following:

  1. Go to the Account Settings page.

  2. In the Login Information section, click the Reset Password button.

  3. On the Reset your password page, enter the new password as desired.
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