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This page contains a description of the predefined reports provided by OneStrata:

Predefined Report NameDescription

Order Detail Report - Summary by Agency by Month

Agency Summary

A summary of order costs, grouped by Agency and month.

Order Detail Report - Summary by Supplier by Month

Supplier Summary

A summary of order costs, grouped by Supplier and month.

Order Detail Report - Summary by Client by Month

Client Summary

A summary of order costs, grouped by Client and month.
Order Summary ReportA summary of order- and Cost Line-level details

Order Detail Reports

There are three order detail reports that summarize order costs, by month and entity (Agency, Supplier, or Client):

  • Agency Summary (Order Detail Report - Summary by Agency by Month)
  • Supplier Summary (Order Detail Report - Summary by Supplier by Month)
  • Client Summary (Order Detail Report - Summary by Client by Month)


The order detail reports have the following columns:

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Predefined ReportField TypeColumn Name
Agency SummaryDimensionAgency Name
Supplier Summary


Supplier Name

Client Summary


Client Name

Agency Summary,

Supplier Summary,

Client Summary

DimensionMedia Name

Agency Summary,

Supplier Summary,

Client Summary

DimensionCampaign ID

Agency Summary,

Supplier Summary,

Client Summary

DimensionCampaign Name

Agency Summary,

Supplier Summary,

Client Summary

MeasureClient Gross Amount (CC)

Agency Summary,

Supplier Summary,

Client Summary


Client Net Amount (CC)

Agency Summary,

Supplier Summary,

Client Summary


Year (pivot, ascending sort)

Agency Summary,

Supplier Summary,

Client Summary


Month (pivot, ascending sort)


All of the order detail reports can be filtered using the following dimensions:

  • Agency Name
  • Client Name
  • Media Name
  • Supplier Name
  • Campaign ID
  • Campaign Name
  • Campaign Created Date
  • Year

Order Summary Report

The Order Summary report is a general summary of order- and Cost Line-level details, across all campaigns.


The Order Summary report has the following columns:

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Field TypeColumn Name
DimensionAgency Name


Client Name


Campaign ID

DimensionCampaign Name
DimensionOrder ID
DimensionEstimate External ID
DimensionSupplier Name
DimensionCost Line ID
DimensionCost Line Name
DimensionCost Line Start Date
DimensionCost Line End Date
DimensionCost Category Name
DimensionAd Unit Format Name
DimensionAd Unit Format Dimension
DimensionCost Line Rate Type
MeasureNumber of Units
MeasureClient Net Rate (CC)
MeasureClient Net Amount (CC)
MeasureClient Gross Amount (CC)
MeasureClient Total Amount (CC)


The Order Summary report can be filtered using the following dimensions:

  • Agency Name
  • Business Unit Name
  • Client Name
  • Campaign name
  • Campaign ID
  • Supplier Name
  • Campaign Start Date
  • Campaign End Date
  • Campaign Created Date
  • No labels
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