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This page describes how to apply a triangulation set; which values should be edited or locked in order to achieve the desired result.

Apply Standard Actualization Triangulation

When actualizing a standard Cost Line, there is one possible triangulation set:

The following table describes the standard actualization options:

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Desired Action

Desired Results

Step(s)Field Status
Edit Actual Cost for Period
  • Keep the original Actual Rate value
  • Recalculate the Actual Units value

  1. Edit the Actual Cost for Period value.

  • Actual Cost for Period: Unlocked
  • Actual Rate: Locked
  • Actual Units: Unlocked
Edit Actual Cost for Period
  • Keep the original Actual Units value
  • Recalculate the Actual Rate value
  1. Lock the Actual Units field. This automatically unlocks the Actual Rate field.
  2. Edit the Actual Cost for Period value.

  • Actual Cost for Period: Unlocked
  • Actual Rate: Unlocked
  • Actual Units: Locked
Edit Actual Units
  • Keep the original Actual Rate value
  • Recalculate the Actual Cost for Period value
  1. Edit the Actual Units value.

  • Actual Cost for Period: Unlocked
  • Actual Rate: Locked
  • Actual Units: Unlocked
Edit Actual Units
  • Keep the original Actual Cost for Period value
  • Recalculate the Actual Rate value
  1. Lock the Actual Cost for Period field. This automatically unlocks the Actual Rate field.
  2. Edit the Actual Units value.

  • Actual Cost for Period: Locked
  • Actual Rate: Unlocked
  • Actual Units: Unlocked
Edit Actual Rate
  • Keep the original Actual Cost for Period value
  • Recalculate the Actual Units value
  1. Unlock the Actual Rate field. This automatically locks the Actual Cost for Period field.
  2. Edit the Actual Rate value.

  • Actual Cost for Period: Locked
  • Actual Rate: Unlocked
  • Actual Units: Unlocked
Edit Actual Rate
  • Keep the original Actual Units value
  • Recalculate the Actual Cost for Period value
  1. Unlock the Actual Rate field. This automatically locks the Actual Cost for Period field.
  2. Lock the Actual Units field. This automatically unlocks the Actual Cost for Period field.
  3. Edit the Actual Rate value.

  • Actual Cost for Period: Unlocked
  • Actual Rate: Unlocked
  • Actual Units: Locked

Apply Margin Actualization Triangulation

When actualizing a margin Cost Line, there are two possible triangulation sets:

  • Margin Percentage Triangulation: The relationship between the Vendor Net Cost (VC), Margin %, and Client Net Cost (VC) values

  • Margin Actual Units Triangulation: The relationship between the Vendor Net Rate (VC), Actual Units, and Vendor Net Cost (VC) values, and between the Client Net Rate (VC), Actual Units, and Client Net Cost (VC) values

By default, the Margin Percentage Triangulation set is active and the Margin Actual Units Triangulation set is not active.

The following table describes the margin actualization options:

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Active Triangulation SetDesired Action

Desired Results

Step(s)Field Status
Margin Percentage TriangulationEdit Vendor Net Cost (VC)
  • Keep the original Margin % value
  • Recalculate the Client Net Cost (VC) value

  1. Edit the Vendor Net Cost (VC) value.

  • Vendor Net Cost (VC): Unlocked
  • Margin %: Locked
  • Client Net Cost (VC): Unlocked

  • Actual Units: Locked
Margin Percentage TriangulationEdit Vendor Net Cost (VC)
  • Keep the original Client Net Cost (VC) % value
  • Recalculate the Margin % value

  1. Lock the Client Net Cost (VC) field. This automatically unlocks the Margin % field.
  2. Edit the Vendor Net Cost (VC) value.

  • Vendor Net Cost (VC): Unlocked
  • Margin %: Unlocked
  • Client Net Cost (VC): Locked

  • Actual Units: Locked
Margin Percentage TriangulationEdit Client Net Cost (VC)
  • Keep the original Margin % value
  • Recalculate the Vendor Net Cost (VC) value
  1. Edit the Client Net Cost (VC) value.

  • Vendor Net Cost (VC): Unlocked
  • Margin %: Locked
  • Client Net Cost (VC): Unlocked

  • Actual Units: Locked
Margin Percentage TriangulationEdit Client Net Cost (VC)
  • Keep the original Vendor Net Cost (VC) value
  • Recalculate the Margin % value
  1. Lock the Vendor Net Cost (VC) field. This automatically unlocks the Margin % field.
  2. Edit the Client Net Cost (VC) value.

  • Vendor Net Cost (VC): Locked
  • Margin %: Unlocked
  • Client Net Cost (VC): Unlocked

  • Actual Units: Locked
Margin Percentage TriangulationEdit Margin %
  • Keep the original Vendor Net Cost (VC) value
  • Recalculate the Client Net Cost (VC) value
  1. Unlock the Margin % field. This automatically locks the Vendor Net Cost (VC) field.
  2. Edit the Margin % value.

  • Vendor Net Cost (VC): Locked
  • Margin %: Unlocked
  • Client Net Cost (VC): Unlocked

  • Actual Units: Locked
Margin Percentage TriangulationEdit Margin %
  • Keep the original Client Net Cost (VC) value
  • Recalculate the Vendor Net Cost (VC) value
  1. Unlock the Margin % field. This automatically locks the Vendor Net Cost (VC) field.
  2. Lock the Client Net Cost (VC) field. This automatically unlocks the Vendor Net Cost (VC) field.
  3. Edit the Margin % value.

  • Vendor Net Cost (VC): Unlocked
  • Margin %: Unlocked
  • Client Net Cost (VC): Locked

  • Actual Units: Locked
Margin Actual Units TriangulationEdit Actual Units
  • Keep the original Vendor Net Rate (VC) and Client Net Rate (VC) values
  • Recalculate the Vendor Net Cost (VC) and Client Net Cost (VC) values
  1. Unlock the Actual Units field. This automatically turns the Vendor Net Cost (VC), Margin %, and Client Net Cost (VC) fields read-only.
  2. Edit the Actual Unit value.
  • Actual Units: Unlocked
  • Vendor Net Rate (VC): Read-only
  • Vendor Net Cost (VC): Read-only
  • Client Net Rate (VC): Read-only
  • Client Net Cost (VC): Read-only
  • No labels
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