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Buzz supports extensive white labeling capabilities, where the Buzz UI appearance can be changed and also set behind a CNAME, such as In order to white label a Buzz instance, please follow the steps outlined below. 

UI Settings

The sections of the UI that can be rebranded are labeled in the screenshot and detailed in the table below. Share the system fields you want to white label with your Beeswax representative. If needed, these settings can also be applied across all accounts through a configuration that can be made by Beeswax Support.

API Note: These changes cannot be made via the REST API. 

System FieldValueNumbered label on imageEffect
Color 1Hex colour string                1Color for main navigation bar
Color 2Hex colour string                2Color for table header and primary button
Color 3Hex colour string                3Color for secondary button
Color 4Hex colour string                4Color for navigation bar text
Website icon/Favicon ImageURL string                5Image to use for website icon / favicon
LogoURL string                6Image to use for logo
Page TitleString                7Browser page title

Please note, we can also apply these settings to the login page. Please reach out to Beeswax Support if you would like these settings applied to the login page.

Email Settings

Buzz sends out emails to users for the following processes: Alert emails, Query Tool scheduled reports, Report Builder scheduled reports, user creation and password reset. The email address and email content can be white labeled for all these processes, with the exception of reports sent from Report Builder where the ‘from email address’ is always set to the domain. 

The parts of the email that can be rebranded are labeled in the screenshot and detailed in the table below, the example provided is a user creation email. 

To white label emails sent from Buzz, please follow the below steps:

  1. Share the email address you wish emails to come from with your Beeswax rep. Beeswax will send a verification email to that address, please click on the link within the email to finalise the set up.
    • Note: Depending on your firewall settings, Beeswax Engineering may need to generate DKIM records and send the record set to you to configure on your end. Configuring DKIM records is a way for your server to register the signature that Beeswax adds to the emails.
  2. To white label the contents of the email, please provide the below details:
System Field                                              Value                                              Numbered label on image                        Effect
Email LogoURL String          1Logo to use in email templates
Project NameString          2Project name to use in email templates, e.g. "My Bidder"
Project WebsiteURL String          3URL to link to in emails
Email SenderString          4The sender for emails from this system e.g.
Email ‘From Name’       String          5The name of the sender for emails from this system, e.g. ‘My Bidder’
Email ‘From Address’String        N/AFrom address for emails, if different from the above ‘Email Sender’. Must be a valid email address.
From Address NameString        N/AFrom address for system alerts and emails, if different from above ‘Email From Name’. Not an email address.
Bidder UI URLString          6Any links in the email directing the user to the UI will use this domain for the landing page. This should match your CNAME bidder domain, discussed below. 

Bidder Domain Settings / CNAME

To white label the bidder domain, you will need to create a CNAME record and verify CNAME ownership.

  1. Share the domain you want to use for your bidder with your Beeswax rep.
  2. Beeswax will request an SSL certificate from AWS for the CNAME provided and generate a validation CNAME DNS record
  3. Beeswax will send you the CNAME DNS record, which contains the following details:
    • name
    • type: CNAME
    • value
  4. You should create a CNAME record using the information provided above to verify your ownership of the domain within 72 hours, after which verification will fail. The procedure for adding CNAME records depends on your DNS service provider
    • If verification fails, we will need to restart all processes starting from Step 2.
  5. Create a second CNAME record for the URL you want to use for the UI (e.g. "") and point it to "<buzzkey>" 
  6. Once verification is complete, Beeswax will finalise the CNAME deployment

Additional Notes

The parts of Buzz that cannot be white labeled are:

  1. The Buzz REST API endpoint cannot use a CNAME
  2. Creative previews
  3. The cookie syncing process
  4. Segment Tags
  5. Postback URLs
  6. Conversion/Event Tags
  • No labels
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