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List of Features and Updates

About the Release

Release Date: November 12, 2024

Other Information

New Fields Added to Logs and Metamarkets

What is it? New fields are now available for reporting in logs and Metamarkets.

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Field NameDescriptionSQL_DatatypeReporting Destination
Audio Companion AdA banner companion ad is required to accompany the audio ad: 0=false, 1=true, -1=unknown, not provided, null, etc.Integer(4)

Added to all MMX dashboards

Audio FeedThe type of feed for audio requests.VARCHAR(50)

Added to all MMX dashboards

Audio Start DelayIndicates the start delay in seconds for pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll   audio ad placements.Integer(4)

Added to all MMX dashboards

audio_companion_requiredA banner companion ad is required to accompany the audio ad: 0=false, 1=true, -1=unknown, not provided, null, etc.


Added to all MMX dashboards

Added to the following logs: Auction, Bid, Win, Ghost Bid and Win, Joined Streaming Win Logs, and Antenna view equivalents.

bidreq_universal_idsComma-separated list of encrypted ID5 universal ID valuesVARCHAR(255)

Added to the following logs: Auction, Bid, Win, Ghost Bid and Win, Joined Streaming Win Logs, and Antenna view equivalents.

CoppaChildren’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Flag; inventory with   this flag carries several ad quality limitationsInteger(4)

Added to the MMX Inventory dashboard

ssaiIndicates if server-side ad insertion (e.g., stitching an ad into an audio or video stream) is in use and the impact of this on asset and tracker retrieval, where 0 = status unknown, 1 = all client side (i.e., not server-side), 2 = assets stitched server-side but tracking pixels fired client-side, 3 = all server-side.Integer(4)

Added to all MMX dashboards

Video PlacementThe placement of the video impression (e.g., In-Stream)VARCHAR(255)

Added to all MMX dashboards

Video Playback MethodVideo playback method, as determined by the publisher.VARCHAR(255)

Added to all MMX dashboards

How am I affected? This feature is automatically available for all accounts; no action is required.

Resource(s): Logs

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