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Lists create the ability to re-use large sets of targeting parameters for multiple line items. They are particularly useful when wanting to include or exclude large sets of items. For example, there may be a list of domains that should never be targeted on any line item. To easily exclude all of those domains in a batch format, a domain list may be created to be excluded on every line item. This saves time and makes it easy to maintain large lists of targeting parameters as part of a strategy.

Accessing Lists Page

To access the Lists page, navigate to Trafficking > Lists at the top of the screen.

Lists UI

Lists Fields

Column NameDescription
Name & IDName and ID of list.
List ItemsClick into this field to see any added items on this created list. Items include uploaded files of IDs, Domains, Deals, etc.
List Type

Identifies the "type" of the list created. Below are the available types:

  • App Bundle List
  • App ID List
  • Deal List
  • Domain List
  • Lat/Long List
  • Placement ID List
  • Publisher ID List
  • Site ID List
  • Zip Code List
Archived (Toggle)Either "Yes" or "No". 

Create a List

  1. Navigate to Trafficking > Lists and click New List at the top right of the screen. Additionally, lists may be created by clicking the button, then clicking List at the top right of the UI.

  2. A page will appear with the following fields to complete:

    Field NameDescription
    List IDAn ID that is generated after creation of the list.
    List Type*Select the type of list via dropdown. Options include:
    • App Bundle List
    • App ID List
    • Deal List
    • Domain List
    • Lat/Long List
    • Placement ID List
    • Publisher ID List
    • Site ID List
    • Zip Code List
    List Name*Desired name for list. Using a name that is representative of the list objects is recommended.
    ActiveActive or Inactive.
    List Items
    Add List Item

    After the necessary file has been chosen for upload, click this button to add the object to the list.

    Depending on what"List Type" is selected on the prior screen, a different UI will appear to add items relevant to that type of list. For example, if "Domains" is selected, there will be a field to find commonly used objects from Beeswax in that category.  

    Search BySearch by App by Bundle, Name, or ID.
    Upload a File

    Upload csv, txt, or excel files. One item per line. Any existing List Items included in the upload will be updated.

  3. Once all items are added for this list, click Save & Close to finish. This list is now applicable for targeting on a line item

Target a List on a Line Item

  1. To target a list on a line item, navigate to a line items Targeting screen during creation or editing.

  2. Click the App/Site tab, which is the default tab that will be opened in the Targeting screen.

  3. Scroll down to find the available created lists to either include or exclude in this line item's targeting. Each type of list will be represented in its own section.

  4. Click Save & Continue to apply the targeting.
  • No labels
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