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What is FraudSensor?

HUMAN's FraudSensor delivers the full monitoring payload on every transaction and provides real-time, deep visibility into activity from humans, good bots, and malicious bots across multiple dimensions. FraudSensor, enables customers to report on Invalid Traffic, which is defined as any activity generated by nonhuman traffic or in other words, does not come from a real user. HUMAN categorizes invalid traffic into two buckets, General Invalid Traffic and Sophisticated Invalid Traffic, and HUMAN will provide reporting that combines both types together.

General Invalid Traffic vs. Sophisticated Invalid Traffic

  • General Invalid Traffic (GIVT): Traffic identified as serving legitimate purposes that typically self-announces itself as a bot - Good Bots
  • Ex: Search Engine Crawlers, Social Media Bots, Customer Service Bots
  • Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT): Traffic that tends to be harder to detect as it has been constructed for illegitimate or illegal purposes and typically mask their identity as real humans - Bad Bots
  • Ex: Spam Bots, Malware Bots, DDOS

How FraudSensor Works With Beeswax

FraudSensor’s detection tags are built using a set of parameters that Beeswax will populate in the creative add-on. Using the data from these parameters and other signals that are automatically collected from each impression, FraudSensor can determine whether each impression is valid or invalid. HUMAN FraudSensor tags are available to run across banner, video, or native creative types. 

FraudSensor’s detection engine investigates each event from every applicable device and analyzes thousands of data points, including differences in code, performance characteristics, and other potential indicators of bot-driven behavior. If HUMAN's FraudSensor creative add-on is selected, users will be able to pull IVT (invalid traffic) reporting in Report Builder and Reporting API. 

Note** HUMAN post-bid data will not be available in logs due to contractual agreements.

Applying FraudSensor Creative Add-On to Creative

The FraudSensor tracking is enabled by adding a creative add-on to the creative. Within the creative, navigate to the Pixels and Scripts section of the overview tab. Find or search for HUMAN in the Creative Add-ons dropdown.

Report Builder & Reporting API

The post-bid reporting works in the same way as the other Brand Safety partners that offer IVT reporting (e.g. DV, MOAT etc). Specifically for HUMAN:

  • Measurement Vendor Name = HUMAN
  • Metrics containing HUMAN data:
  • Invalid Impressions
  • Measurable Invalid Impressions
  • Invalid Impressions %

IVT Metrics are currently available in the following reports:

  • Performance Report
  • Inventory Report
  • Platform Report
  • App Report
  • Domain Report
  • Geography Report
  • No labels
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