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Frequently asked questions regarding how long certain operations take in the Beeswax platform and how long it takes before they are visible to the user:


  • Q: If a user fires a postback/segment pixel, when do they appear in the segment?
    A: The user will be associated with the segment within seconds. They will also be eligible to be served ads seconds later if that segment is being targeted.
  • Q: How long does it take for a user to appear in a segment after a segment upload?
    A: Segment upload' will enter a queue to be processed. Depending on the size of the queue at the time of the segment upload, a segment upload can take from a few minutes to a few hours before the file is processed and users are added to their respective segment(s).
  • Q: How often are segment count (the count of the users in a segment) numbers updated in the UI?
    A: Segment counts are updated approximately every 24 hours.

Delivery Stats & Reporting

  • Q: How often is the in-line 'Spend' updated in the Beeswax UI when viewing the Line Item or Campaign objects?
    A: Dashboard metrics (spend, impressions etc.) are updated approximately every hour, with a delay of up to 4 hours.
  • Q: What is the reporting delay for Report Builder reports?
    A: Report Builder data updates hourly, with a delay of up to 3 hours.
  • Q: What is the reporting delay for Metamarkets?
    A: Metamarkets data is updated approximately every 6 hours.
  • Q: What is the reporting delay in the Monitoring dashboard?
    A: Less than a minute.

Traffic Filtering

  • Q: How long does it take my traffic to change, from the point of my traffic being updated by my Account Manager?
    A: It can take up to 5 minutes.
  • Q: If I have Advanced Filtering using a List in place, and I update the list on my side (add/remove a list item) - how long before these changes are reflected in my traffic filtering?
    A: Typically less than an hour, but will never be more than 2 hours.
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