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Starting September 30, 2024, all Oracle products, including BlueKai, MOAT, and Grapeshot segments, as well as MOAT post bid measurement, will no longer be available on the Beeswax platform. If this impacts you, Beeswax account teams are available to assist in finding alternative options. For questions, please contact your Beeswax account representative.

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Prior to uploading segment files you must first create segments to generate a segment ID. Details on how to create user segments via the UI can be found in Creating Segments in Buzz and via the API documentation. 

Segment File Format

The segment file must meet all of the following requirements:

  1. .txt file (not csv file) 
  2. utf-8 (without BOM - byte-order marks) or ASCII encoded 
  3. One user ID or IP Address per row
  4. Pipe delimited with the segment IDs in the format <uuid>|<segment_ID1> where:
    •  <uuid> is the user ID 
    • <segment_ID1> is the segment key to be updated in the format <buzz_key>-<id>
  5. One user ID type per file such as: 
    • Android Advertising ID, unhashed
    • Android Advertising ID, hashed with MD5
    • Android Advertising ID, hashed with SHA1
    • Beeswax cookie ID
    • Connected TV
    • Customer cookie ID (first party)
    • Apple IDFA, unhashed
    • Apple IDFA, hashed with MD5
    • Apple IDFA, hashed with SHA1
    • IP Address
    • Other Mobile ID types
    • Customer ID (requires additional setup)
    • Hashed Emails

Additional options

  • You may add as many segment IDs the user ID qualifies for, so long as each is pipe delimited after the user ID, e.g. <uuid>|<segment_ID1>|<segment_ID2>|<segment_ID3>
  • You may add a user-segment value which can be used as the value in Types of Bid Modifiers. Values must be specified as a float (number), strings will not be accepted, e.g. <uuid>|<segment_ID1>:<value>|<segment_ID2>:<value>|<segment_ID3>

Segment File Examples

  1. Example of upload file using Beeswax cookie ID (if you have cookie sync set up with Beeswax):

     2. Examples of upload file for Mobile Device IDs:

Segment File Upload via UI

  1. Upload a file of User IDs to segment mappings by going to New > Segment Upload.
  2. Declare on the Segment Upload screen whether the User ID Type is Beeswax Cookie-ID ("BEESWAX"), one of the IDFA/Android options, Customer Cookie-ID (requires additional setup) or IP Address.
  3. Declare the Segment Key Type -- Choose "DEFAULT" if you are using the Beeswax segment ID type unless you are utilizing our Alternative ID functionality. If you are using our Alternative ID functionality, please choose "ALTERNATIVE" as the Segment Key Type. You may find more info about the Alternative ID process within the API "Segments" concept documentation.
  4. Select the continent the users should be available to target in (America, EMEA, APAC). If users should be available to target across regions, a separate upload should be executed for each continent.

If your upload file is larger than 10 MB, you will either need to chunk out the file to be multiple files smaller than 10 MB or you will need to use our large segment file upload method via S3 uploads below.

Segment File Upload via API

API documentation for segment file uploads can be found here. Note that the 10MB file size limit applies to API uploads as well as UI uploads. 

Segment File Upload via S3

To upload files larger than 10MB customers can upload files directly to Beeswax's AWS S3 bucket. Information on this process can be found in Uploading Segments and Bid Models to S3.

Note, you will need to provide your account manager your AWS ARN so that Beeswax can configure S3 permissions to allow you drop the large files on our cloud.

Overwriting or Deleting User-Segment Combinations

To remove users from your segment, you can overwrite user IDs via the API. Details can be found here.

Segment Uploads On List View

Once uploaded, users can view their segment upload status on list view. Below are the accessible views:

  • Name & ID of your segment
  • Upload Complete Date
  • Upload Message

    Note this message includes error/failure details if your segment fails to load

  • Created date
  • Upload status: The status can be the following:
    • No file uploaded
    • Pending
    • Completed
    • Failed
  • No labels
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