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Beeswax Reporting supports IP Attribution enhancing attribution capabilities in Connected TV (CTV) environments. This also alleviates issues in desktop & app environments as 3rd Party Cookies become more unreliable in most browsers and iOS devices remove the ability to attribute against IDFA.

IP Attribution is available as an additional attribution method in both Report Builder and as a new log type ‘Attributed IP Conversions’. This new method will be available alongside the existing attribution methods, where the User ID value (Cookie/MAID) acts as the conversion identifier.

Use Case

IP Attribution enables our users to report on conversions against their buying activity in the following use cases:

  • CTV environments
  • Reporting conversions at household-levels
  • Reporting cross-device conversions
  • Non-cookie/MAID environments such as iOS (in-App or Safari)

All the above use cases are possible using IPs, as the IP address can be a consistent signal across multiple devices. For example, if a user watches an ad on a Connected TV device and then subsequently makes a purchase on their mobile, we can tie the conversion back to the impression seen on CTV, by using the public IP address (provided both devices are on the same network).

How it Works

Attribution Logic

Similar to our legacy attribution methodology, we use a combination of last click and last view attribution, and adhere to the view windows configured at the Event Tag set up. We attribute on IPv6 matches when present, and fall back to use IPv4 addresses when IPv6 is not present.

A conversion attributed through IP can also get attributed through legacy methodologies. So, if both  User ID and IP address are present, a single conversion event can get reported twice, once through Standard user_id ‘Conversion’ and another through an ‘IP Conversion’. Therefore, you should avoid aggregating ‘Conversion’ and ‘IP conversion’ metrics to prevent duplicate reporting.

An  event created in Buzz is automatically enabled for legacy attribution methods and IP Attribution. The event can be tallied through both attribution mechanisms if it qualifies. Currently, the view/click window cannot be independently adjusted for each method.

Report Builder

Report Builder shows three metrics in all reports that contain the IP conversion data. These are:

  • IP Conversions
  • IP Conversion Value
  • IP Conversion Orders

You can manage permission for these metrics using the 'Conversion Data' role field group. 


A new log type called Attributed IP Conversions allows users to receive a logically separate set of conversions that were attributed using IP Addresses. See here for enabling the logs. 


Q. Did anything change about the old attribution?
No, we can and do continue to support Cookie/MAID-based attribution as well as the frameworks for SKAD and Postbacks.

Q. What delays should users expect for the delivery of this log file?
The same delay as the standard Attributed Conversion logs, which is approximately 8 hours.

Q. Can I set fallback logic to use one ID and then attempt to attribute on a second type? 
 We currently do not support this but are potentially considering it for the future.

Q. Does IP Attribution work in GDPR/CCPA environments where we might have a truncated IP?
 If an exchange sends a truncated IP, we do not consider it as eligible for attribution. If we truncate internally, we can attribute using a hash of the IP address.

Q. Does the line item whitelisting feature work for IP Attribution?
 Yes, this feature works the same way as before and a whitelisted line item automatically considers both the old and new attribution methodologies.

Q. Are Attributed IP Conversion Logs available via Antenna?
 Yes, these logs are available via Antenna.

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