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This page details attribution types for non-postback setup.

This article only is not applicable for conversions received via postbacks. For mobile app, please use postbacks for which conversions directly get attributed to the desired line items.

Beeswax Based Attribution Types

Beeswax Events allow two types of attribution, which are configurable when creating a new Event tag.

  • “All Line Items for this Advertiser are eligible for this Event”
  • “Only selected Campaigns and Line Items for this Advertiser are eligible for this Event”

Campaigns and Line Items have a new toggle which will enable users to use Event Association. Once this toggle has been set to “Yes”, a new “Events” tab will be enabled and appear in the Campaign or Line Item view. 

Event Association:

From the “Events” tab in either Campaign or Line Item objects, you will be able to associate Events:

  • Choose the Event you wish to apply from the “Select Event…” dropdown and click the “Add Association” button.
  • This functionality is the same on both Campaigns and Line Items.

You can also associate eligible line items or campaigns from the Event directly:

  • Navigate to the “Eligible Objects” tab from the Event pane.
  • Use the “Select Campaigns…” or “Select Line Items...” to associate the Event to the respective object(s).

Attribution Types Explained:

Event “Attribution” ValueLine Items that are EligibleRationale/Example
All Line Items for this Advertiser are eligible for this EventAll line items beneath the advertiser are eligible, including Line Items that have explicit associations to other events.You may want generic events (e.g. home page visitors) to have all Line Items be eligible for a conversion. Only one line item, though, will ever get credit for a given conversion event.
Only selected Campaigns and Line Items for this Advertiser are eligible for this EventOnly those line items explicitly associated are eligible. For specific strategies (Line Items), you may not want other line items to pollute the conversion numbers and allow you to use specific conversion points to help optimize individual Line Items.
  • No labels
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