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The Bid Decision Report creates the capability to analyze bidding behavior across all active campaigns and line items. This diagnostic report is an expansion of the Bid Decision Flow visualization, and gives access to more levels of granularity and flexibility in analyzing bidding behavior. The Bid Decision Report is aggregated on account, campaign, and line item levels, and has a lookback range of the last 7 days. Bid decisioning data is additionally aggregated at two levels; drop stage and drop reason. Drop stages are the thematically grouped sets of drop reasons, which in turn are the individual eligibility evaluations made by Beeswax in the bidding process. To learn more about what drop stages and reasons are, see Drop Stages with Reasons.

Reporting Fields

Both of the measures included in this report are based on sampled data and are highly directional.

Field NameField TypeDefinition
Account IDDimensionBeeswax Account ID
Campaign IDDimensionBeeswax Campaign ID
Line Item IDDimensionBeeswax Line Item ID
Drop StageDimensionThematically grouped sets of bid eligibility evaluations (drop reasons).

Drop Reason

DimensionIndividual evaluations of eligibility to bid on a given request.
Drop OrderDimensionThe order in which the evaluations occurred; used for ordering only.
AuctionsMeasureThe approximate count of bid requests eligible at a given stage/reason.
Auctions DroppedMeasureThe approximate count of bid requests dropped in a given stage/reason.

Drop Stages with Reasons

Drop stages are represented in the report to identify where there was a mismatch in the ad decisioning. For example, a drop stage may represent a mismatch in GEO, and will represent that with a "TARGETING_GEO_MISMATCH" drop stage reason. A numerical value will also display the number of bids associated with that drop stage reason, I.e. during the GEO drop stage, 50,000 bids were dropped due to the targeting mismatch.

Drop stage will represent when the mismatch occurs, but the drop reason will explain why the bid was dropped. These reasons are outlined in the Description column of this table.

Bid Decision Report Drop StageDescription
TARGETING_USER_MISMATCHBid request mismatches line item targeting on a field in the user module. Likely targeting acting as intended.
TARGETING_ENVIRONMENT_MISMATCHBid request mismatches line item targeting on a field in the environment module. Likely targeting acting as intended.
TARGETING_PLATFORM_MISMATCHBid request mismatches line item targeting on a field in the platform module. Likely targeting acting as intended.
TARGETING_EXCHANGE_MISMATCHBid request mismatches line item targeting on a field in the exchange module. Likely targeting acting as intended.
TARGETING_GEO_MISMATCHBid request mismatches line item targeting on a field in the geo module. Likely targeting acting as intended.
TARGETING_APP_SITE_MISMATCHBid request mismatches line item targeting on a field in the app/site module. Likely targeting acting as intended.
TARGETING_CONTENT_MISMATCHBid request mismatches line item targeting on a field in the module. Likely targeting acting as intended.
TARGETING_RANGE_TARGETING_MISMATCHBid request mismatches line item targeting on IP ranges. Likely targeting acting as intended.
TARGETING_VIDEO_MISMATCHBid request mismatches line item targeting on a field in the video module. Likely targeting acting as intended.
PG_DEAL_FILTEREDBid request is for a Programmatic Guaranteed deal that the line item is not permitted to buy. Likely targeting acting as intended.
TARGETING_TIME_MISMATCHBid request mismatches line item targeting on a field in the time module. Likely targeting acting as intended.
PROCESSING_ERRORProcessing error.
CREATIVE_MISMATCHBid request mismatches a line item's creative. Likely creative matching acting as intended.
ID_NOT_AVAILABLEThe ID type selected for frequency capping is not available on the request. Likely frequency capping working as intended.
FREQ_CAPPEDFrequency capping acting as intended.
PROCESSING_ERRORProcessing error.
PROCESSING_ERRORProcessing error.
NO_AGENT_BIDBidding agent did not respond.
EXCEED_MAX_BID_PRICEBid price is very large and likely a mistake.
ZERO_BID_PRICEBidding agent responded with a zero bid price. 
WRONG_BID_CURRENCYBidding agent's returned bid currency mismatches the line item's currency.
PROCESSING_ERRORProcessing error.
TRANSIENT_BUDGETING_ERRORBeeswax was unable to determine if budget was available. Rare occurrences with low frequencies are expected.
BUDGET_NOT_BIDDABLEBid price exceeds available budget. Likely budget system acting as intended.
BUDGET_CAP_METTypically occurs when a line item or campaign is out of budget (any/all relevant budget levels). 
FLOOR_PRICE_FILTEREDBid price is lower than the relevant bid floor passed from the exchange.
FIX_PRICE_FILTEREDBid price is lower than the bid floor in a fixed price deal.
EXCHANGE_SEAT_ERRORError with Seat set up or Seat eligibility.
DROPPED_GHOST_BIDExpected, ghost bid candidates will not submit an actual bid back to the exchange
BID_TOO_LOWBid price is too low to be selected to be returned by Beeswax to the exchange.
PROCESSING_ERRORProcessing error.
OKBid is submitted.

Interpreting Report Data

The lookback window for the Bid Decision Report data is 7 days. For a longer lookback window, use the report builder's scheduling capability to be sent a copy of the report. 

When pulling a Bid Decision Report for a line item, there is a logical hierarchy that represents how requests are received, and then dropped. For instance, the report will display the amount of auction requests a line item has, then it will display the mismatch reasons for dropping in a hierarchical order. The mismatch data hierarchy is as follows:

  1. Targeting

  2. Relevant Creatives

  3. Frequency cap parameters

  4. Pacing parameters

  5. Bidding agent parameters

  6. Budget parameters

  7. Relevant post-processing criteria 

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