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Starting September 30, 2024, all Oracle products, including BlueKai, MOAT, and Grapeshot segments, as well as MOAT post bid measurement, will no longer be available on the Beeswax platform. If this impacts you, Beeswax account teams are available to assist in finding alternative options. For questions, please contact your Beeswax account representative.

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Some exchanges have specific creative requirements that must be met in order for your creative to deliver on that exchange.


  • AppNexus requires a creative audit for every creative. A checkbox to submit the creative for approval can be found in Exchange-Specific Options section of the Edit Creative Screen.

Index Exchange

  • Index Exchange requires that the advertiser domain matches the content in the creative.
  • Index Exchange has a dedicated team of quality control experts who manually review each creative to ensure only high quality, fraud free advertisements are allowed to serve. Any new campaign will be prevented from winning on the exchange until the creative as passed the ad quality assessment, this process usually takes less than 24 hours.


  • To run on InMobi, all tag-based banner creatives must include a “Thumbnail” of the creative. The thumbnail should be an image that is representative of the creative. There are no dimensions or file type requirements for the thumbnail and this can be set at the advertiser level.
    • Note that when your creative is uploaded using our “Banner Image” template that a thumbnail is not required because Beeswax automatically generates the thumbnail based on the image of the creative uploaded.

Millennial Media

  • Millennial requires a Thumbnail image for banner creatives. To run on Millennial, all tag based banner creatives must include a “Thumbnail” of the creative. The thumbnail should be an image that is representative of the creative. There are no dimension or file type requirements for the thumbnail.
    • Note that when your creative is uploaded using our “Banner Image” template that a thumbnail is not required because Beeswax automatically generates the thumbnail based on the image of the creative uploaded.

MoPub (acquired by Applovin)

  • MoPub requires a Thumbnail image for banner creatives. To run on MoPub, all tag based banner creatives must include a “Thumbnail” of the creative. The thumbnail should be an image that is representative of the creative. There are no dimension or file type requirements for the thumbnail.
    • Note that when your creative is uploaded using our “Banner Image” template that a thumbnail is not required because Beeswax automatically generates the thumbnail based on the image of the creative uploaded.
  • MoPub does not support iframe creatives. Trying to serve an iframe creative on MoPub inventory will result in no delivery.  If your tag does not actually render an iframe when the code is executed, use the “Banner JS” template.
  • MoPub pre-caches all interstitial creatives. This means that if you have code in your creative that counts on load, it may overcount significantly on MoPub. Beeswax impressions and third-party pixels are unaffected.

Google AdX

  • Google AdX requires a "Landing Page URL" to be declared. This field is found in the Exchange-Specific Options section of the Edit Creative Screen.  This URL is used by Google’s AdX for creative approvals and is not used in any way during serving. Google requires that when a user actually clicks on your creative that landing page goes to the URL that you specify in this field.  When the landing page is the iTunes store or Google Play store, the actual URL for the store must be used, even if in-app.


  • Pubmatic requires a Thumbnail image for banner creatives. To run on Pubmatic, all tag based banner creatives must include a “Thumbnail” of the creative. The thumbnail should be an image that is representative of the creative. There are no dimension or file type requirements for the thumbnail.
    • Note that when your creative is uploaded using our “Banner Image” template that a thumbnail is not required because Beeswax automatically generates the thumbnail based on the image of the creative uploaded.
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