Table of Contents

Line Item V2 – Flight Quick Stats & Budget Carry Over

Setting up flights within your line item has just become easier with our new quick stats and carryover feature!  

To opt into this feature, reach out to your CSM.

Click here to learn more

Campaign V2 – Sandbox Beta

You can now preview the Campaign v2 upgrades in your sandbox environment. Our initial release will include: 

Please reach out to your CSM if interested. 

Click here to learn more about the UI changes

Master Account Level Revenue Share

Beeswax is introducing a new type of account level revenue share – The Master revenue share allows your admins to apply a percentage of revenue share on top of all media spend and vendor fees associated with a media buy. This will make accounting much easier!


Please speak with your Beeswax CSM if you are interested in setting up this feature. 


Click here to learn more

Upcoming Primary Key Change for Win Logs

Beeswax is announcing a primary key change for win logs being deployed next month, 1/9. This is intended to more gracefully handle requests that represent ad podded inventory but are not declared as such.  


Beeswax will begin to use auction_adgroup_id as the primary key for ad exposure data when performing deduplication. This means that customers may observe multiple records with the same auction_id value in their win logs after deploying the change (though this is a very small percentage of inventory).

Please speak with your Beeswax account team for more information.

Visit Beeswax Knowledge Base to access the Release Notes and learn more about the features. For any help, feel free to contact your Customer Success Manager or email