Beeswax deploys a custom bidder per customer and prefilters traffic to each individual bidder instance. This traffic prefiltering is controlled by your Beeswax customer success manager at your direction. The management of traffic is critical to ensuring your campaigns scale and deliver.
QPS, or Queries Per Second, refers to the number of auctions that are filtered to your Beeswax custom bidder. Beeswax charges a flat monthly fee per QPS tier.
How do I translate QPS into impressions?
The simple answer is you can turn QPS into the number of daily eligible auctions by multiplying by 86,400 (60 sec * 60 min * 24 hours). So our 10,000 QPS tier gives you 864 million auctions per day. The number of impressions delivered is entirely up to you -- based on your bidding strategy, bid prices, and demand. For example, if you have a high CPM strategy and expect to win 10% of all your auctions, your 864 million daily auctions would yield 86.4 million impressions won.
Where does the QPS come from?
Beeswax is integrated dozens of ad exchanges and has access to millions of QPS via four AWS data centers:
Customers can filter QPS on almost any targetable keys/values. Some common examples are:
Ad Sizes | Geos (Country, City, Region, Zip) |
Ads.txt | Inventory Sources |
Content Categories | Placement Types |
Environment Types (App or Site) | Platforms: Device Make, Operating System, etc. |
Customers can also filter on INCLUDE/EXCLUDE lists of:
Customers can utilize Beeswax's Advanced QPS Filtering capabilities to filter QPS by user data provided by the customer (cookies, device IDs, or IPs). Fees may apply.
Your Beeswax Customer Success Manager controls the QPS your bidder receives by creating "n" traffic templates that use OR boolean logic. Beeswax can create a up to 25 traffic templates to meet your QPS requirements, but it’s strongly recommended to keep the number under 10 for ease of ongoing management. Below are some best practices:
Template ID | % of Available Traffic | Placement Type | Country | Environment | Operating System | Estimated QPS |
1 | 100% | Banner | USA | In-App | Android, iOS | 200,000 |
2 | 80% | Video | USA | Web | Windows, OSX | 20,000 |
3 | 50% | Banner | Canada | In-App | Android, iOS | 5,000 |
4 | 100% | Native | USA | In-App | Android, iOS | 14,000 |
Beeswax customers can monitor QPS via Monitoring (see below) and Metamarkets under the Tools tab in the Beeswax UI: