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If looking for information on how to target a user based on their timezone, please refer to the Time Targeting (Day Parting) article.

Beeswax supports Buzz Accounts in local timezones, allowing customers to set a timezone at the account level. This setting ensures that Beeswax services operate in the specified timezone, affecting key elements such as reporting, as well as the start and end dates of objects like campaigns and line items.


All reporting is local to the account's timezone. For example, a date range from 00:00 October 1st to 00:00 November 1st will automatically align with the account's timezone, requiring no additional adjustments for timezones. If no timezone is set on an account, the default timezone will be America/New_York (UTC-5:00).

Key features affected by the timezone setting include:

  • Quickstats: The inline Quickstats on Advertiser, Campaign, and Line Item pages are populated based on the account’s timezone.
  • Start and End Dates: The start and end dates for Line Items, Campaigns, Creative Flights, and Line Item Flights will be displayed according to the account’s local timezone.

Using the Timezones Feature

To use the timezone feature, it must be enabled on an account-by-account basis. To enable this feature, Beeswax Support should be contacted.

For Buzz Keys without a multi-account configuration, Beeswax Support can set the timezone. For accounts with multi-account privileges, administrators can enable and configure the timezone setting themselves:

  1. Navigate to the Accounts page.
  2. Click the pencil icon to edit an existing account.
  3. Select the timezone from the Timezone dropdown.
  4. Click Save & Continue or Save & Exit.

If the desired timezone is not available in the dropdown, Beeswax Support can assist by adding the required timezone.

Implications of Changing Timezone

Running a Campaign (Serving)
When the timezone is updated at the account level, all start and end dates at the campaign, line item, flight, and creative levels will follow the new timezone. Budget setups will also be affected by this change.

Quickstats (the inline stats available on the Advertiser, Campaign, and Line Item pages) will be updated based on the new timezone. The Today/Yesterday/7-Day/30-Day metrics will reflect the new timezone moving forward.

Real-time Bidding Stats
When the timezone is changed, the Real-time Bidding Stats—showing bids and wins for a given line item—will continue to display data in the previous timezone for up to 72 hours after the switch.

Example Scenarios for Timezone Change

Changing to a Timezone Behind the Current One

If an account switches from America/New_York (UTC-5:00) to America/Los_Angeles (UTC-8:00) (which is 3 hours behind), the following timeline occurs:

DayDescriptionStart of Day (local)Start of Day (UTC)End of Day (local)End of Day (UTC)
1New timezone is selected00:0005:0024:0005:00
2Day before cutover00:0005:0003:00 (+1 day)08:00
3Day after cutover00:0008:0024:0008:00

On the second day, there is a 27-hour day due to the timezone shift, preventing disruption in bidding.

Changing to a Timezone Ahead of the Current One

If an account switches from America/Los_Angeles (UTC-8:00) to America/New_York (UTC-5:00) (which is 3 hours ahead), the following timeline occurs:

DayDescriptionStart of Day (local)Start of Day (UTC)End of Day (local)End of Day (UTC)
1New timezone is selected00:0008:0024:0008:00
2Day before cutover00:0008:0021:0005:00
3Day after cutover00:0005:0024:0005:00

On the second day, there is a shorter 21-hour day due to the timezone being ahead.

Other Considerations

Start and End Dates

When the timezone of the account is changed, the system does not modify the Start and End Dates. Instead, it translates the times to the new timezone, ensuring the scheduling remains aligned with the new settings.

Pacing for line items running on a strategy with pacing will follow the new timezone setting. On the day of the timezone cutover, pacing will be adjusted based on the number of hours available for bidding.

Example 1 - Switching to a Timezone Ahead (UTC+3):

  • On the day before cutover, pacing will be calculated for the 21 hours available, based on the old timezone.

Example 2 - Switching to a Timezone Behind (UTC-3):

  • On the day before cutover, pacing will be calculated for 27 hours, based on the new timezone.

Saved Queries:
Saved queries continue to work after changing the timezone, but any date filters will be applied based on the new timezone setting. Adjustments may be necessary for API reports that depend on local time offsets.

Scheduled Reports:
Scheduled reports are not affected by the timezone setting. They operate independently, and customers will receive Weekly/Daily/Monthly reports at the same time, regardless of timezone changes.

Live Line Items:
When the timezone is changed, Beeswax implements the timezone cutover in the serving system two days after the change to prevent sudden shifts in allocated spend, ensuring that the current day's spend remains unaffected.