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Customers using LiveRamp to manage their first-party and third-party data can seamlessly push segment data into Beeswax. The following steps outline the process for successfully registering new LiveRamp segments in Beeswax.

How it Works

  1. Configure the segments you wish to deliver to Beeswax in the LiveRamp Connect tool.

    • Only segments that contain users from North America and in select EMEA, APAC, and LATAM countries are supported at this time. See the countries list here
    • Please ensure that you input your Beeswax Buzzkey in the Client field under the Destination Specific Settings when configuring the destination account. This will ensure that the data accurately populates within your Buzzkey. 

  2. Notify your Beeswax account manager that Beeswax should be expecting an update to your LiveRamp taxonomy.  

  3. Beeswax will receive the updated taxonomy automatically, our Support team will add new taxonomy segments to your UI.

  4. Once LiveRamp begins to deliver the data (usually within a week of segment setup in LiveRamp Connect), Beeswax will start processing those users into the LiveRamp portion of your Segment taxonomy in the Beeswax UI.  You will see counts of the users in each segment under Trafficking > Segments.

Increasing the match rate with LiveRamp and Beeswax

LiveRamp has a feature to prioritize sync for a particular customer, so if you are a direct customer of LiveRamp, please request that they prioritize syncs with Beeswax more, especially on your own properties.

An alternative way is to place a Beeswax sync pixel on your properties, which will create a sync with LiveRamp.  This option is particularly useful for publishers who are operating a campaign where they do not have a direct relationship with the DMP in question. To do this - place the following pixel on the page:

 <img src="" />

This pixel will fire a redirect to LiveRamp with the Beeswax cookie ID of that user.

Learn more about LiveRamp and regions where you can enable it.

How to Troubleshoot Data Distribution

Keep in mind that distribution could take up to 7-10 days to complete.  

Here are the steps you can take before creating a Support ticket:  

  1. Check the destination account and the distribution for the following issues: 
    1. Check that the destination account is still active. If the destination account is inactive, set it to “active” and revise the end date if necessary.  
    2. Check that the destination account IDs are correct. Your account ID can be found at the upper right of the Beeswax UI. If left blank, it defaults to account (2) and you will need to update and resend segments if you intend to send to a specific sub-account other than the default account 2.  
    3. Check that all distributed segments have counts. Segments with no records cannot be distributed.  
    4. Check that the desired segments have a distributed status. If no icon is present, the segment is not actively distributing.

  2. Resend the active segments: 
    1. Navigate to the Segment Distribution page within the Beeswax destination account and select “Resend Active Segments” from the “More” drop-down list in the upper right of the screen. Confirm the redelivery request was received. 
    2. Check to see if Beeswax received the data from Liveramp. You will see user counts in each segment under Trafficking > Segments.  


If these steps have been performed and you still do not see populated Segments in your account, use the Troubleshoot Segment Distribution quick case to create a support case directly with LiveRamp.  

Troubleshooting on Beeswax Reseller Accounts

For customers using the Beeswax Reseller account, please reach out to Beeswax Support and we will troubleshoot with LiveRamp on your behalf. The file name(s) and job distribution details must be shared with Beeswax Support in order for Beeswax to open a LiveRamp support ticket.

This information can be found by following the steps below: 

  1. Before starting, make sure you are working within the Beeswax destination account. From the Connect navigation menu, click Destination Accounts and then click MANAGE on the Beeswax tile.

  2. From the Segment Distribution page, click Delivery Job Status on the upper right hand corner.

  3. From the Delivery Job Status page, click on the three dots (…) to open up a details panel for that particular distribution job.

  4. From the details panel, you will see the status of the job, whether it is pending, in progress or delivered. For delivery jobs that have reached the Delivered status, a file list is displayed at the bottom and you can click the Copy icon next to the “Files List”.

  5. Share this information with Support so we can verify whether your data was received and if received, whether your data was received correctly to the expected location within Beeswax.