Table of Contents


Customers who use Adobe Audience Manager as their DMP may push their data to Beeswax via our server-to-server integration. At this time, only North American data is ingested. Adobe’s model is to invoice customers directly for any usage fees related to Adobe segments targeted within Beeswax. Thus, the customer must have a direct relationship with Adobe. Customers who do not already have an existing relationship with Adobe should first contact Adobe directly.  

If this is your first time pushing Adobe segments to Beeswax, you must notify Beeswax Support PRIOR to conducting your first segment push to Beeswax. This will ensure that Beeswax’s backend system configurations are updated to allow for automatic ingestion of all segment pushes.

How it Works

This process below describes the steps that should occur to successfully register new Adobe segments within Beeswax.  We recommend starting the process at least 5 business days prior to any campaign.

  1. Customer creates segments/audiences in Adobe Audience Manager (AAM)

  2. Customer shares AAM segment/audience names & Adobe trait IDs via an email to Beeswax Support with a subject that begins with “New Adobe Audience Manager Segments”.

  3. Beeswax registers AAM segment/audience names & alternative IDs (Adobe trait IDs).
    1. Please wait for confirmation from your Beeswax representative that this step has been completed before proceeding

  4. Beeswax confirms AAM segment/audience name & alternative ID (Adobe trait IDs) registration.

  5. Customer pushes AAM segment/audience data to Beeswax S3 destination.  Customers should be sure to set their AAM “PID-ALIAS” to match their Beeswax Buzz Key.
    1. Your Beeswax “Buzz Key” is present in your URL for accessing your UI (e.g. http://{{buzz_key}}
    2. Please consult your Adobe representative on how to set your PID-ALIAS in the AAM Platform

  6. Beeswax processes segment/audience data.

  7. Once processing is complete, Beeswax shares new AAM segments/audiences with Customers Beeswax Account.

Increasing the match rate with Adobe and Beeswax

Adobe has a feature to prioritize sync for a particular customer, so if you are a direct customer of Adobe, please request that they prioritize syncs with Beeswax more, especially on your own properties. An alternative way is to place a Beeswax sync pixel on your properties, which will create a sync with Adobe.  This option is particularly useful for publishers who are operating a campaign where they do not have a direct relationship with the DMP in question. To do this - place the following pixel on the page:

 <img src="" />

This pixel will fire a redirect to Adobe with the Beeswax cookie ID of that user.

GDPR Note: In the EU, there can be GDPR implications from doing this and there must be the appropriate consent obtained from the user to do so.